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Databricks SQL

databricks_query Resource

This resource allows you to manage Databricks SQL Queries. It supersedes databricks_sql_query resource - see migration guide below for more details.

Example Usage

resource "databricks_directory" "shared_dir" {
  path = "/Shared/Queries"

# This will be replaced with new databricks_query resource
resource "databricks_query" "this" {
  warehouse_id =
  display_name = "My Query Name"
  query_text   = "SELECT 42 as value"
  parent_path  = databricks_directory.shared_dir.path

Argument Reference

The following arguments are available:

  • query_text - (Required, String) Text of SQL query.
  • display_name - (Required, String) Name of the query.
  • warehouse_id - (Required, String) ID of a SQL warehouse which will be used to execute this query.
  • parent_path - (Optional, String) The path to a workspace folder containing the query. The default is the user's home folder. If changed, the query will be recreated.
  • owner_user_name - (Optional, String) Query owner's username.
  • apply_auto_limit - (Optional, Boolean) Whether to apply a 1000 row limit to the query result.
  • catalog - (Optional, String) Name of the catalog where this query will be executed.
  • schema - (Optional, String) Name of the schema where this query will be executed.
  • description - (Optional, String) General description that conveys additional information about this query such as usage notes.
  • run_as_mode - (Optional, String) Sets the "Run as" role for the object. Should be one of OWNER, VIEWER.
  • tags - (Optional, List of strings) Tags that will be added to the query.
  • parameter - (Optional, Block) Query parameter definition. Consists of following attributes (one of *_value is required):
    • name - (Required, String) Literal parameter marker that appears between double curly braces in the query text.
    • title - (Optional, String) Text displayed in the user-facing parameter widget in the UI.
    • text_value - (Block) Text parameter value. Consists of following attributes:
      • value - (Required, String) - actual text value.
    • numeric_value - (Block) Numeric parameter value. Consists of following attributes:
      • value - (Required, Double) - actual numeric value.
    • date_value - (Block) Date query parameter value. Consists of following attributes (Can only specify one of dynamic_date_value or date_value):
      • date_value - (String) Manually specified date-time value
      • dynamic_date_value - (String) Dynamic date-time value based on current date-time. Possible values are NOW, YESTERDAY.
      • precision - (Optional, String) Date-time precision to format the value into when the query is run. Possible values are DAY_PRECISION, MINUTE_PRECISION, SECOND_PRECISION. Defaults to DAY_PRECISION (YYYY-MM-DD).
    • date_range_value - (Block) Date-range query parameter value. Consists of following attributes (Can only specify one of dynamic_date_range_value or date_range_value):
      • date_range_value - (Block) Manually specified date-time range value. Consists of the following attributes:
        • start (Required, String) - begin of the date range.
        • end (Required, String) - end of the date range.
      • dynamic_date_range_value - (String) Dynamic date-time range value based on current date-time. Possible values are TODAY, YESTERDAY, THIS_WEEK, THIS_MONTH, THIS_YEAR, LAST_WEEK, LAST_MONTH, LAST_YEAR, LAST_HOUR, LAST_8_HOURS, LAST_24_HOURS, LAST_7_DAYS, LAST_14_DAYS, LAST_30_DAYS, LAST_60_DAYS, LAST_90_DAYS, LAST_12_MONTHS.
      • start_day_of_week - (Optional, Int) Specify what day that starts the week.
      • precision - (Optional, String) Date-time precision to format the value into when the query is run. Possible values are DAY_PRECISION, MINUTE_PRECISION, SECOND_PRECISION. Defaults to DAY_PRECISION (YYYY-MM-DD).
    • enum_value - (Block) Dropdown parameter value. Consists of following attributes:
      • enum_options - (String) List of valid query parameter values, newline delimited.
      • values - (Array of strings) List of selected query parameter values.
      • multi_values_options - (Optional, Block) If specified, allows multiple values to be selected for this parameter. Consists of following attributes:
        • prefix - (Optional, String) Character that prefixes each selected parameter value.
        • separator - (Optional, String) Character that separates each selected parameter value. Defaults to a comma.
        • suffix - (Optional, String) Character that suffixes each selected parameter value.
    • query_backed_value - (Block) Query-based dropdown parameter value. Consists of following attributes:
      • query_id - (Required, String) ID of the query that provides the parameter values.
      • values - (Array of strings) List of selected query parameter values.
      • multi_values_options - (Optional, Block) If specified, allows multiple values to be selected for this parameter. Consists of following attributes:
        • prefix - (Optional, String) Character that prefixes each selected parameter value.
        • separator - (Optional, String) Character that separates each selected parameter value. Defaults to a comma.
        • suffix - (Optional, String) Character that suffixes each selected parameter value.

Attribute Reference

In addition to all the arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

  • id - unique ID of the created Query.
  • lifecycle_state - The workspace state of the query. Used for tracking trashed status. (Possible values are ACTIVE or TRASHED).
  • last_modifier_user_name - Username of the user who last saved changes to this query.
  • create_time - The timestamp string indicating when the query was created.
  • update_time - The timestamp string indicating when the query was updated.

Migrating from databricks_sql_query resource

Under the hood, the new resource uses the same data as the databricks_sql_query, but exposed via different API. This means that we can migrate existing queries without recreating them. This operation is done in few steps:

  • Record the ID of existing databricks_sql_query, for example, by executing the terraform state show databricks_sql_query.query command.
  • Create the code for the new implementation performing following changes:
    • the name attribute is now named display_name
    • the parent (if exists) is renamed to parent_path attribute, and should be converted from folders/object_id to the actual path.
    • Blocks that specify values in the parameter block were renamed (see above).

For example, if we have the original databricks_sql_query defined as:

resource "databricks_sql_query" "query" {
  data_source_id = databricks_sql_endpoint.example.data_source_id
  query          = "select 42 as value"
  name           = "My Query"
  parent         = "folders/${databricks_directory.shared_dir.object_id}"

  parameter {
    name  = "p1"
    title = "Title for p1"
    text {
      value = "default"

we'll have a new resource defined as:

resource "databricks_query" "query" {
  warehouse_id =
  query_text   = "select 42 as value"
  display_name = "My Query"
  parent_path  = databricks_directory.shared_dir.path

  parameter {
    name  = "p1"
    title = "Title for p1"
    text_value {
      value = "default"

For Terraform version >= 1.7.0

Terraform 1.7 introduced the removed block in addition to the import block introduced in Terraform 1.5. Together they make import and removal of resources easier, avoiding manual execution of terraform import and terraform state rm commands.

So with Terraform 1.7+, the migration looks as the following:

  • remove the old query definition and replace it with the new one.
  • Adjust references, like, databricks_permissions.
  • Add import and removed blocks like this:
import {
  to = databricks_query.query
  id = "<query-id>"

removed {
  from = databricks_sql_query.query

  lifecycle {
    destroy = false
  • Run the terraform plan command to check possible changes, such as value type change, etc.
  • Run the terraform apply command to apply changes.
  • Remove the import and removed blocks from the code.

For Terraform version < 1.7.0

  • Remove the old query definition and replace it with the new one.
  • Remove the old resource from the state with the terraform state rm databricks_sql_query.query command.
  • Import new resource with the terraform import databricks_query.query <query-id> command.
  • Adjust references, like, databricks_permissions.
  • Run the terraform plan command to check possible changes, such as value type change, etc.

Access Control

databricks_permissions can control which groups or individual users can Manage, Edit, Run or View individual queries.

resource "databricks_permissions" "query_usage" {
  sql_query_id =
  access_control {
    group_name       = "users"
    permission_level = "CAN_RUN"


This resource can be imported using query ID:

terraform import databricks_query.this <query-id>

Related Resources

The following resources are often used in the same context: