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Databricks SQL

databricks_alert Resource

This resource allows you to manage Databricks SQL Alerts. It supersedes databricks_sql_alert resource - see migration guide below for more details.

Example Usage

resource "databricks_directory" "shared_dir" {
  path = "/Shared/Queries"

# This will be replaced with new databricks_query resource
resource "databricks_query" "this" {
  warehouse_id =
  display_name = "My Query Name"
  query_text   = "SELECT 42 as value"
  parent_path  = databricks_directory.shared_dir.path

resource "databricks_alert" "alert" {
  query_id     =
  display_name = "TF new alert"
  parent_path  = databricks_directory.shared_dir.path
  condition {
    op = "GREATER_THAN"
    operand {
      column {
        name = "value"
    threshold {
      value {
        double_value = 42

Argument Reference

The following arguments are available:

  • query_id - (Required, String) ID of the query evaluated by the alert.
  • display_name - (Required, String) Name of the alert.
  • condition - (Required) Trigger conditions of the alert. Block consists of the following attributes:
    • op - (Required, String Enum) Operator used for comparison in alert evaluation. (Enum: GREATER_THAN, GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL, LESS_THAN, LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL, EQUAL, NOT_EQUAL, IS_NULL)
    • operand - (Required, Block) Name of the column from the query result to use for comparison in alert evaluation:
      • column - (Required, Block) Block describing the column from the query result to use for comparison in alert evaluation:
        • name - (Required, String) Name of the column.
    • threshold - (Optional for IS_NULL operation, Block) Threshold value used for comparison in alert evaluation:
      • value - (Required, Block) actual value used in comparison (one of the attributes is required):
        • string_value - string value to compare against string results.
        • double_value - double value to compare against integer and double results.
        • bool_value - boolean value (true or false) to compare against boolean results.
    • empty_result_state - (Optional, String Enum) Alert state if the result is empty (UNKNOWN, OK, TRIGGERED)
  • custom_subject - (Optional, String) Custom subject of alert notification, if it exists. This includes email subject, Slack notification header, etc. See Alerts API reference for custom templating instructions.
  • custom_body - (Optional, String) Custom body of alert notification, if it exists. See Alerts API reference for custom templating instructions.
  • parent_path - (Optional, String) The path to a workspace folder containing the alert. The default is the user's home folder. If changed, the alert will be recreated.
  • seconds_to_retrigger - (Optional, Integer) Number of seconds an alert must wait after being triggered to rearm itself. After rearming, it can be triggered again. If 0 or not specified, the alert will not be triggered again.
  • owner_user_name - (Optional, String) Alert owner's username.
  • notify_on_ok - (Optional, Boolean) Whether to notify alert subscribers when alert returns back to normal.

Attribute Reference

In addition to all the arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

  • id - unique ID of the Alert.
  • lifecycle_state - The workspace state of the alert. Used for tracking trashed status. (Possible values are ACTIVE or TRASHED).
  • state - Current state of the alert's trigger status (UNKNOWN, OK, TRIGGERED). This field is set to UNKNOWN if the alert has not yet been evaluated or ran into an error during the last evaluation.
  • create_time - The timestamp string indicating when the alert was created.
  • update_time - The timestamp string indicating when the alert was updated.
  • trigger_time - The timestamp string when the alert was last triggered if the alert has been triggered before.

Migrating from databricks_sql_alert resource

Under the hood, the new resource uses the same data as the databricks_sql_alert, but is exposed via a different API. This means that we can migrate existing alerts without recreating them.

-> It's also recommended to migrate to the databricks_query resource - see databricks_query for more details.

This operation is done in few steps:

  • Record the ID of existing databricks_sql_alert, for example, by executing the terraform state show databricks_sql_alert.alert command.
  • Create the code for the new implementation by performing the following changes:
    • the name attribute is now named display_name
    • the parent (if exists) is renamed to parent_path attribute and should be converted from folders/object_id to the actual path.
    • the options block is converted into the condition block with the following changes:
      • the value of the op attribute should be converted from a mathematical operator into a string name, like, > is becoming GREATER_THAN, == is becoming EQUAL, etc.
      • the column attribute is becoming the operand block
      • the value attribute is becoming the threshold block. Please note that the old implementation always used strings so you may have changes after import if you use double_value or bool_value inside the block.
    • the rearm attribute is renamed to seconds_to_retrigger.

For example, if we have the original databricks_sql_alert defined as:

resource "databricks_sql_alert" "alert" {
  query_id =
  name     = "My Alert"
  parent   = "folders/${databricks_directory.shared_dir.object_id}"
  options {
    column = "value"
    op     = ">"
    value  = "42"
    muted  = false

we'll have a new resource defined as:

resource "databricks_alert" "alert" {
  query_id     =
  display_name = "My Alert"
  parent_path  = databricks_directory.shared_dir.path
  condition {
    op = "GREATER_THAN"
    operand {
      column {
        name = "value"
    threshold {
      value {
        double_value = 42

For Terraform version >= 1.7.0

Terraform 1.7 introduced the removed block in addition to the import block introduced in Terraform 1.5. Together they make import and removal of resources easier, avoiding manual execution of terraform import and terraform state rm commands.

So with Terraform 1.7+, the migration looks as the following:

  • remove the old alert definition and replace it with the new one.
  • Adjust references, like, databricks_permissions.
  • Add import and removed blocks like this:
import {
  to = databricks_alert.alert
  id = "<alert-id>"

removed {
  from = databricks_sql_alert.alert

  lifecycle {
    destroy = false
  • Run the terraform plan command to check possible changes, such as value type change, etc.
  • Run the terraform apply command to apply changes.
  • Remove the import and removed blocks from the code.

For Terraform version < 1.7.0

  • Remove the old alert definition and replace it with the new one.
  • Remove the old resource from the state with the terraform state rm databricks_sql_alert.alert command.
  • Import new resource with the terraform import databricks_alert.alert <alert-id> command.
  • Adjust references, like, databricks_permissions.
  • Run the terraform plan command to check possible changes, such as value type change, etc.

Access Control

databricks_permissions can control which groups or individual users can Manage, Edit, Run or View individual alerts.

resource "databricks_permissions" "alert_usage" {
  sql_alert_id =
  access_control {
    group_name       = "users"
    permission_level = "CAN_RUN"

Access Control

databricks_permissions can control which groups or individual users can Manage, Edit, Run or View individual alerts.

resource "databricks_permissions" "alert_usage" {
  sql_alert_id =
  access_control {
    group_name       = "users"
    permission_level = "CAN_RUN"


This resource can be imported using alert ID:

terraform import databricks_alert.this <alert-id>

Related Resources

The following resources are often used in the same context: