A library for automating much of the minutia of creating a rest interface. This mostly means automatically sending the correct error messages when a request is invalid, and some automatic header handling, such as:
- Automatic 204 messages when a resource returns no data but is still succesful.
- Automatic 404 messages when a requested resource does not exist.
- Automatic 405 errors when a method is not valid for a resource.
- Automatic 406 errors when requested content type is not available, or is not a valid content type.
- Automatic 415 errors when a submitted content type is not supported, or is not a valid content type.
- Automatic handling of the OPTIONS method, and automatic Allow header generation.
- Automatic setting of content-length and contnt-type headers.
- Provides a custom x-processing-time header that automatically contains how long it took for the server to generate a response.
- The error handling outputs the errors as JSON. This needs to be more flexible, and overridable.
- Add support for variable URL prefixes. Currently assumes running right under the host name/ip.
- Change rest event handlers to be generic functions instead of classes.
- Sets VERY generous Access-Control-Allow-Origin and Access-Control-Allow-Methods to allow cross-domain testing (this will be chagned to be mroe secure in the future).
- Per-resource/method content typing.
// Import the package
import 'package:rest_dart/rest_dart.dart';
// Create the server object.
RestServer rest = new RestServer();
// If you don't add a content type, the server will throw an error on the first request.
rest.AddDefaultContentType(new ContentType("application", "json", charset: "utf-8"));
// Create a REST resource, along with the regex for recognizing its path.
RestResource resource = new RestResource(r'^/?$');
// Create a method handler
Future DeleteHandler(ContentType type, String path, Map<String, String> args) {
return new Future.sync(() {
return "test";
// Add the method handler to the resource
resource.SetMethodHandler("DELETE", DeleteHandler);
// Add the resource to the server,
// Start the server. This handles creating the HTTP server as well.
// Begin requesting from the server!
So, if something goes wrong and you need to send an error message back to the user, just throw a RestException!
RestException(this.Code, this.Message, [this.InnerException = null]);
This will cause the server to send back the HTTP code you specify, and be presented with your message. Make sure to throw it through a future, so that it can be caught by the higher-up logic:
Future DeleteHandler(ContentType type, String path, Map<String, String> args) {
return new Future.sync(() {
throw new RestException(500,"I don't like you");