Update and clean mods so we can fix the server.
Current mods:
areas - Removed - use official repo- ✔army - Fixed. removed non-creative itemsD (gun, bullet, etc...)
- ✔beverage - Updated to new version.
- ✔birthstones - Fixed. removed non-creative items
- ✔?blox - Fixed
- ✔?bridges - Works. Not need fix
carts - removed. not need on 0.4.16- ✔cblocks - Updated
- ✔colored_steel - Fixed
- ✔colormashine - Updated and Fixed
- ✔cottages - Updated and Fixed
- ✔?crops - Fixed partically
- ✔cutepie - Fixed
- ✔doors_modular - Works, not need fix
- ✔digilines - Fixed
- ✔factory_bridges - Removed recipes.
- ✔?farming_plus - Fixed. Probably need remove seeds
food - Removed, not need in creative- ✔?gis - Fixed, probably need to remove and combine similar blocks
- ✔gloopblocks - Fixed
- ✔?glowblocks - Works, probably need remove animation and mesecons depends
- ✔?greenscreen - Fixed, probably need merge with gis mod.
- ✔?hiking - Fixed, can create crash if the space above the pole is not empty
- ✔?homedecor_modpack - Fixed, but probably need remove or merge some color nodes
- ✔ilights - Fixed
- ✔?infrastructure - Fixed, probably need remove recipes and merge blocks with streets mod
interact - Removed. Must be replace to other same mod- ✔?inventory_plus - Fixed.
- ✔jumping - Fixed
- ✔lapis
- ✔mesecar
✔?mesecons_modpack - Removed, uses oficial repo.- ✔moreblocks - Fixed
- ✔morestones - Fixed
- ✔mybricks - Fixed
- ✔mychisel - Updated
- ✔?mycorners - Works, but slow load. New version don't work.
- ✔mydesk - Updated
mydfences - Removed- ✔mydoors - Updated
- ✔myfences - Works, but new version don't work
- ✔myholeinthewall - Works. Probably need support for more nodes
- ✔myladders - Works
- ✔mylandscaping - Fixed
- ✔mylights - Fixed
- ✔mymasonhammer - Works. Probably need support for more nodes
- ✔mymeshnodes - Works. Probably need support for more nodes
- ✔mymillwork - Works. Probably need support for more nodes
- ✔mymulch - Works
- ✔mypaths - Fixed
- ✔myroofs - Works
- ✔myshetmetal - Fixed
- ✔mysponge - Fixed
- ✔mywoodslopes - Fixed
names_per_ip - Removed. Not need more- ✔nether - Fixed
- ✔octutool - Fixed
- ✔?pipeworks - Fixed, probably need remove some nodes or remove chests override
- ✔pizza - Works
- ✔?plasticbox - Fixed, probably need correct colors.
- ✔pyramids - Works
- ✔quartz - Fixed
- ✔rainbow_ore - Removed. Added alias
- ✔roofblocks - Works.
- ✔signs_lib - Updated
- ✔slimenodes - Fixed
- ✔?snow - Fixed
snowdrift - Removed. Non-creative mod- ✔spectator_mode - Updated
- ✔steel - Fixed
- ✔telemosaic - Works. Nothig do
torches - Removed - now in MTG- ✔travelnet - Updated
- ✔tronblocks - ??? Probably need remove
- ✔unifiedbricks - Updated
- ✔unifieddyes - Updated
- ✔windmill - Fixed
- ✔?wine - Updated
worldedit_modpack - Removed - use official repo✔xdecor - Moved to official repo- ✔xtraores - Fixed
- ✔aliases - Added. For aliases and other changes
- ✔keyword_interact - Added
✔ - Works good ✔? - Works, potentially can be corrected ? - Not tested x? - Need importatant fix
These mods are not included in the repo because the current versions should be used on the server:
- sban - https://github.com/shivajiva101/sban
- mese_restriction - https://github.com/Ezhh/mese_restriction
- mesecons - https://github.com/minetest-mods/mesecons
- areas - https://github.com/ShadowNinja/areas
- worldedit - https://github.com/Uberi/Minetest-WorldEdit
- xdecor - https://github.com/minetest-mods/xdecor