Hi there i have trained a HOG based detector that detects the cars in a given frame. I have used over 1000 images of cars to train it and i have done this using Dlib. If you want to know how i trained it then you should definetly visit this https://github.com/davisking/dlib/blob/master/python_examples/train_object_detector.py I have added the detector file and the test code in which you can load the detector ad process it frame by frame.
1. you need to install 2.4.x version of opencv. i have used open cv to capture video frame by frame you can also use any method to capture it.
2.you need to install dlib python binding here is a good post https://www.pyimagesearch.com/2017/03/27/how-to-install-dlib/.
3.you need to instal python and skimage.
The accuracy of this detector varies in different conditions it will give you best possible results in Daylight.