Akka cluster
Status: IN PROGRESS...
- Start from Lightbend example apps
- Akka books and videos
- Akka examples projects
- Akka typed actors
- Akka 2.5.x -> 2.6.x migration guide
- YouTube: What's New In Akka 2.6?
- YouTube: Introduction to Akka Actors with Java
- YouTube: Akka Anti-Patterns, Goodbye: Six Features of Akka 2.6
- Akka serialization jackson
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ad2DyOn4dlY
- GitHub: akka/akka-samples
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWuOGqmR7ow
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ECsFlNNIAM
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDsvbaLLa2I
- Building a Distributed Application for the Cloud with Akka Clustering and Java 8
- GitHub: daggerok/akka-stream-playgrounds
- GitHub: daggerok/akka-persistence-examples
- GitHub: daggerok/akka-persistence-json-serializaer-example
- GitHub: daggerok/akka-examples
- GitHub: daggerok/sbt-examples
- GitHub: daggerok/spring-boot-akka-example
- GitHub: daggerok/spring-boot-reactive-scala-example
- GitHub: daggerok/spring-boot-reactive-akka-example
- GitHub: daggerok/gradle-scala-application-howto
- GitHub: daggerok/gradle-scala-library-howto
- GitHub: daggerok/functional-and-reactive-principles-in-scala
- GitHub: daggerok/scala-examples
- GitHub: daggerok/scala-meter-example
- GitHub: daggerok/lightbend-examples
- GitHub: daggerok/scala-gradle-scalatra-spring-boot
- GitHub: daggerok/scala-gradle-testing
- GitHub: daggerok/scala-gradle-spring-boot
- GitHub: daggerok/scala.js-starter