QLRest is a simple QuickLook generator for ReStructuredText files. It renders a preview of the selected ReST file using python and docutils.
For more information on ReStructuredText see http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html.
Simply copy QLRest.qlgenerator to ~/Library/QuickLook or /Library/QuickLook.
QLRest requires that docutils be installed and on the PYTHONPATH of your default python installation. If docutils cannot be found, or if another error arises during the rendering process, qlrest will fall back to plain-text previews.
To uninstall, drag QLRest.qlgenerator into the trash.
Source code is available at http://github.com/idangazit/qlrest.
The QLRest code is distributed under the terms in the file LICENSE.txt.
QLRest is "based on" (read: largely copied from) QLMarkdown by Phil Toland <http://fiatdev.com> and Michael Dominic K. <http://www.mdk.org.pl>.
Version 0.1 - Feb 23rd 2009
- Initial release. "Alpha Quality" -- use at your own risk!