Scripts I've written to make Mac administration and cleanup a bit easier. Note: Some scripts are Jamf-specific, but others are fairly universal
I'm not a very experienced scripter, but I'm learning as I go! I'm happy for constructive criticism, ideas for improvement, and general advice. Issues and PRs are open to any admins who would like to contribute.
Most, if not all, scripts here will be BASH or ZSH (or BASH that's shebanged as ZSH because it works). I'm willing to branch out but I'd like to make sure everything works on an out of the box Mac without installing new shells or updating BASH beyond what Apple provides.
- Post Adobe / Office VisualBasic Runtime Error script
- Post Cisco VPN Client full uninstall script
- Make sure the Cisco VPN Client full uninstall script plays well with the new uninstall scripts and Cisco Secure Client app
- Post "Kill Legacy Screensaver" "script"
- shame self for using scarequotes on GitHub
- Upload Office SecureBookmark script
- Make the Office SecureBookmark script safer
- Come up with more scripts