#122 Support user-defined browser cookies
- cookies <List[Dict]>#
- name <str>
- value <str>
- url <str> either url or domain / path are required. Optional.
- domain <str> either url or domain / path are required Optional.
- path <str> either url or domain / path are required Optional.
- expires <float> Unix time in seconds. Optional.
- httpOnly <bool> Optional.
- secure <bool> Optional.
- sameSite <"Strict"|"Lax"|"None"> Optional.
Following is add cookie example
1. modify before_all_extend method in pscript/dsl/hook.py of your project
2. define your cookies and add it into global cache
3. flybirds will add cookies into browser
from flybirds.core.global_context import GlobalContext
def before_all_extend(context):
cookies = [{'name': 'taskid1', 'value': 'TYUUI12345ty1', "url": "https://hotel.trip.com"},
{'name': 'taskid2', 'value': 'TYUUI12345ty2', "url": "https://hotel.trip.com"}]
GlobalContext.set_global_cache("cookies", cookies)