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CodeNark vs Checkstyle checks

Roman Ivanov edited this page Jan 30, 2015 · 13 revisions

The page contains comparison of Checks from diffrent tools.
Goal: make a list of checks that can be implemented in Checkstyle.
Note: this document is not final. It describes intentions but cannot be treated as roadmap.
Feel fre to modify it or create document that compares Checkstyle checks with other tool's checks.

CodeNark vs CheckStyle

CodeNark rules
Checkstyle rules
for additional comments see : google docs

CodeNark Basic CheckStyle
check or
AssertWithinFinallyBlock Low Is it needed? Do we use assert in PROD code?
AssignmentInConditional InnerAssignment
BigDecimalInstantiation Medium Basing on IllegalInstantiation?
BitwiseOperatorInConditional Medium
BooleanGetBoolean Medium Based on IllegalInstantiation?
BrokenNullCheck Medium
BrokenOddnessCheck Not planned Don't like it
ClassForName Not planned Not used on my projects
ComparisonOfTwoConstants Not planned
ComparisonWithSelf Not planned
ConstantAssertExpression N/A Groovy Power Assert specific?
ConstantIfExpression Medium
ConstantTernaryExpression Medium
DeadCode N/A Controlled by compiler
DoubleNegative Not planned
DuplicateCaseStatement N/A Controlled by compiler
DuplicateMapKey N/A Controlled by compiler
DuplicateSetValue N/A Groovy specific
EmptyCatchBlock High We have issue on that in Checkstyle project, will be done soon for cover Google's style
EmptyClass Not planned Strange rule
EmptyElseBlock High Basing on EmptyStatement?
EmptyFinallyBlock High Basing on EmptyStatement?
EmptyForStatement High Basing on EmptyStatement?
EmptyIfStatement High Basing on EmptyStatement?
EmptyInstanceInitializer High Basing on EmptyStatement?
EmptyMethod High Basing on EmptyStatement?
EmptyStaticInitializer High Basing on EmptyStatement?
EmptySwitchStatement High Basing on EmptyStatement?
EmptySynchronized Statement High Basing on EmptyStatement?
EmptyTryBlock High Basing on EmptyStatement?
EmptyWhileStatement High Basing on EmptyStatement?
EqualsAndHashCode EqualsHashCode
EqualsOverloaded High
ExplicitGarbageCollection High
ForLoopShouldBeWhileLoop High
HardCodedWindowsFileSeparator High
HardCodedWindowsRootDirectory Medium
IntegerGetInteger High
MultipleUnaryOperators Not planned Is it needed?
RandomDoubleCoercedToZero High
RemoveAllOnSelf High
ReturnFromFinallyBlock High Exists in sevntu
ThrowExceptionFromFinallyBlock High
CodeNark Braces CheckStyle
check or
ElseBlockBraces LeftCurly
ForStatementBraces LeftCurly
IfStatementBraces LeftCurly
WhileStatementBraces LeftCurly
CodeNark Concurrency CheckStyle
check or
BusyWait High
DoubleCheckedLocking High
InconsistentPropertyLocking High
InconsistentPropertySynchronization High
NestedSynchronization High
StaticCalendarField High
StaticConnection High
StaticDateFormatField High
StaticMatcherField High
StaticSimpleDateFormatField High
SynchronizedMethod High
SynchronizedOnBoxedPrimitive High
SynchronizedOnGetClass High
SynchronizedOnReentrantLock High
SynchronizedOnString High
SynchronizedOnThis High
SynchronizedReadObjectMethod High
SystemRunFinalizersOnExit High
ThisReferenceEscapesConstructor High
ThreadGroup High
ThreadLocalNotStaticFinal High
ThreadYield High
UseOfNotifyMethod High
VolatileArrayField High
VolatileLongOrDoubleField High
WaitOutsideOfWhileLoop High
CodeNark Convention CheckStyle
check or
ConfusingTernary High Exists in sevntu
CouldBeElvis N/A Groovy specific
HashtableIsObsolete High I think IllegalType could do that
IfStatementCouldBeTernary High
InvertedIfElse High Exists in sevntu
LongLiteralWithLowerCaseL UpperEll
NoDef N/A Groovy specific
ParameterReassignment High I do believe we have it, need to recheck
TernaryCouldBeElvis N/A Groovy specific
VectorIsObsolete High that could be done by IllegalImport , but I think we needto have checkthat forbid usage of type at all
CodeNark Design CheckStyle
check or
AbstractClassWithPublicConstructor High Oposit to MissingCtor
AbstractClassWithoutAbstractMethod High
BooleanMethodReturnsNull High Exists in sevntu
BuilderMethodWithSideEffects High
CloneableWithoutClone High
CloseWithoutCloseable High
CompareToWithoutComparable High
ConstantsOnlyInterface InterfaceIsType
EmptyMethodInAbstractClass High
FinalClassWithProtectedMember High
ImplementationAsType IllegalType
Instanceof High
LocaleSetDefault High
PrivateFieldCouldBeFinal FinalLocalVariable
PublicInstanceField VisibilityModifier
ReturnsNullInsteadOfEmptyArray High Exists in sevntu
ReturnsNullInsteadOfEmptyCollection High Exists in sevntu
SimpleDateFormatMissingLocale High
StatelessSingleton High
ToStringReturnsNull High :), that is weird, wecan not predict all stupitity of human
CodeNark Dry CheckStyle
check or
DuplicateListLiteral N/A Groovy specific
DuplicateMapLiteral N/A Groovy specific
DuplicateNumberLiteral MagicNumber
DuplicateStringLiteral High
CodeNark Enhanced CheckStyle
check or
CloneWithoutCloneable High
JUnitAssertEqualsConstantActualValue High
UnsafeImplementationAsMap N/A Groovy specific
CodeNark Exceptions CheckStyle
check or
CatchArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException IllegalCatch Can be defined by IllegalCatch. Need to describe configuration in docs.
CatchError IllegalCatch Can be defined by IllegalCatch. Need to describe configuration in docs.
CatchException IllegalCatch Can be defined by IllegalCatch. Need to describe configuration in docs.
CatchIllegalMonitorStateException IllegalCatch Can be defined by IllegalCatch. Need to describe configuration in docs.
CatchIndexOutOfBoundsException IllegalCatch Can be defined by IllegalCatch. Need to describe configuration in docs.
CatchNullPointerException IllegalCatch Can be defined by IllegalCatch. Need to describe configuration in docs.
CatchRuntimeException IllegalCatch Can be defined by IllegalCatch. Need to describe configuration in docs.
CatchThrowable IllegalCatch Can be defined by IllegalCatch. Need to describe configuration in docs.
ConfusingClassNamedException High
ExceptionExtendsError High
ExceptionExtendsThrowable High
ExceptionNotThrown High
MissingNewInThrowStatement N/A Groovy specific
ReturnNullFromCatchBlock High that is questionalble , as it shouldbe covered by OneReturn check
SwallowThreadDeath Not planned Strange rule
ThrowError IllegalCatch Can be defined by IllegalCatch. Need to describe configuration in docs.
ThrowException IllegalCatch Can be defined by IllegalCatch. Need to describe configuration in docs.
ThrowNullPointerException IllegalCatch Can be defined by IllegalCatch. Need to describe configuration in docs.
ThrowRuntimeException IllegalCatch Can be defined by IllegalCatch. Need to describe configuration in docs.
ThrowThrowable IllegalCatch Can be defined by IllegalCatch. Need to describe configuration in docs.
CodeNark Formatting CheckStyle
check or
BlankLineBeforePackage EmptyLineSeparator
BracesForClass LeftCurly, RightCurly
BracesFor ForLoop LeftCurly, RightCurly
BracesFor IfElse LeftCurly, RightCurly
BracesFor Method LeftCurly,RightCurly
BracesFor TryCatchFinally LeftCurly, RightCurly
ClassJavadoc JavaDoc*
ClosureStatementOnOpeningLine​OfMultipleLineClosure All indentation checks?
ConsecutiveBlankLines Medium EmptyLineSeparator
FileEndsWithoutNewline NewlineAtEndOfFile
LineLength LineLength
MissingBlankLineAfterImports EmptyLineSeparator
MissingBlankLineAfterPackage EmptyLineSeparator
SpaceAfterCatch *Whitespace*
SpaceAfterClosingBrace *Whitespace*
SpaceAfterComma *Whitespace*
SpaceAfterFor *Whitespace*
SpaceAfterIf *Whitespace*
SpaceAfterOpeningBrace *Whitespace*
SpaceAfterSemicolon *Whitespace*
SpaceAfterSwitch *Whitespace*
SpaceAfterWhile *Whitespace*
SpaceAroundClosureArrow *Whitespace*
SpaceAroundMapEntryColon *Whitespace*
SpaceAroundOperator *Whitespace*
SpaceBeforeClosingBrace *Whitespace*
SpaceBeforeOpeningBrace *Whitespace*
TrailingWhitespace *Whitespace*
CodeNark Generic CheckStyle
check or
IllegalClassMember Medium
IllegalClassReference High
IllegalPackageReference High
IllegalRegex Low
IllegalString Low We have regExp Checks
IllegalSubclass Low
RequiredRegex Low
RequiredString Low
StatelessClass Low
CodeNark Imports CheckStyle
check or
DuplicateImport RedundantImport
ImportFromSamePackage RedundantImport
ImportFromSunPackages RedundantImport
MisorderedStaticImports ImportOrder
NoWildcardImports AvoidStarImport
UnnecessaryGroovyImport N/A Groovy specific
UnusedImport UnusedImports
CodeNark Jdbc CheckStyle
check or
DirectConnectionManagement Medium I am not in favor of specific rules, but we could think about illegalMethodCall, and it will skip alot of cases where type is created in one file and getConneciton is called from another file
JdbcConnectionReference N/A Groovy specific
JdbcResultSetReference N/A Groovy specific
JdbcStatementReference N/A Groovy specific
CodeNark Junit CheckStyle
check or
ChainedTest High I have never though abuot that group, as I mostly suppress Checks in Test area, as Tests are hacks and most Checks doe snot work in test classes. But we could think about some useful
CoupledTestCase High
JUnitAssertAlwaysFails High
JUnitAssertAlwaysSucceeds High
JUnitFailWithoutMessage High
JUnitLostTest High
JUnitPublicField High
JUnitPublicNonTestMethod High
JUnitPublicProperty High
JUnitSetUpCallsSuper High
JUnitStyleAssertions High
JUnitTearDownCallsSuper High
JUnitTestMethodWithoutAssert High
JUnitUnnecessarySetUp High
JUnitUnnecessaryTearDown High
JUnitUnnecessaryThrowsException High
SpockIgnoreRestUsed N/A Groovy specific
UnnecessaryFail High
UseAssertEqualsInsteadOfAssertTrue High
UseAssertFalseInsteadOfNegation High
UseAssertNullInsteadOfAssertEquals High
UseAssertSameInsteadOfAssertTrue High
UseAssertTrueInsteadOfAssertEquals High
UseAssertTrueInsteadOfNegation High
CodeNark Logging CheckStyle
check or
LoggerForDifferentClass High that is good group of checks
LoggerWithWrongModifiers High
LoggingSwallowsStacktrace High consider sevntu issue 286
MultipleLoggers High
PrintStackTrace High
Println N/A Groovy specific
SystemErrPrint High [check to detect]( 2013/10/checkstyle-check-to-detect.html)
SystemOutPrint High
CodeNark Naming CheckStyle
check or
AbstractClassName AbstractClassName?
ClassName TypeName
ClassNameSameAsFilename OuterTypeFilename
ConfusingMethodName High
FactoryMethodName High
FieldName MemberName
InterfaceName TypeName
MethodName MethodName
ObjectOverrideMisspelledMethodName Low Do we need it? We have EqualsHashCode that partially resolves the issue
PackageName EqualsHashCode
PackageNameMatchesFilePath PackageDeclaration
ParameterName ParameterName
PropertyName MemberName
VariableName LocalVariableName
CodeNark Security CheckStyle
check or
FileCreateTempFile High
InsecureRandom High
JavaIoPackageAccess High
NonFinalPublicField High
NonFinalSubclassOfSensitiveInterface High
ObjectFinalize High
PublicFinalizeMethod High
SystemExit High
UnsafeArrayDeclaration High
CodeNark Serialization CheckStyle
check or
EnumCustomSerializationIgnored High
SerialPersistentFields High
SerialVersionUID High
SerializableClassMustDefineSerialVersionUID High
CodeNark Size CheckStyle
check or
AbcMetric N/A (Requires the GMetrics jar) DEPRECATED
ClassSize Similar to FileLength
CrapMetric Low (Requires the GMetrics jar and a Cobertura coverage file) Hard to implement
CyclomaticComplexity Low (Requires the GMetrics jar) Hard to implement
MethodCount MethodCount
MethodSize MethodLength
NestedBlock Depth Nested*
CodeNark Unnecessary CheckStyle
check or
AddEmptyString N/A It's OK in Java
ConsecutiveLiteralAppends N/A It's OK in Java
ConsecutiveStringConcatenation N/A It's OK in Java
UnnecessaryBigDecimalInstantiation N/A Groovy specific
UnnecessaryBigIntegerInstantiation N/A Groovy specific
UnnecessaryBooleanExpression Medium Need to extend SimplifyBoolean Expression
UnnecessaryBooleanInstantiation High
UnnecessaryCallForLastElement N/A Groovy specific
UnnecessaryCallToSubstring Medium
UnnecessaryCast High
UnnecessaryCatchBlock Not planned Is it really needed?
UnnecessaryCollectCall N/A Groovy specific
UnnecessaryCollectionCall Not planned Is it really needed?
UnnecessaryConstructor High Sevntu
UnnecessaryDefInFieldDeclaration N/A Groovy specific
UnnecessaryDefInMethodDeclaration N/A Groovy specific
UnnecessaryDefInVariableDeclaration N/A Groovy specific
UnnecessaryDotClass N/A Groovy specific
UnnecessaryDoubleInstantiation High
UnnecessaryElseStatement High that refacrtoring is weird, as it should keep and return as last statement and keep IF-ELSE
UnnecessaryFinalOnPrivateMethod High
UnnecessaryFloatInstantiation High
UnnecessaryGString N/A Groovy specific
UnnecessaryGetter N/A Groovy specific
UnnecessaryIfStatement High
UnnecessaryInstanceOfCheck High
UnnecessaryInstantiationToGetClass High
UnnecessaryIntegerInstantiation High
UnnecessaryLongInstantiation High
UnnecessaryModOne Not planned Is it needed?
UnnecessaryNullCheck N/A Groovy specific
UnnecessaryNullCheck BeforeInstanceOf High
UnnecessaryObjectReferences N/A Groovy specific
UnnecessaryOverridingMethod High
UnnecessaryPackageReference High
UnnecessaryParenthesesFor MethodCallWithClosure N/A Groovy specific
UnnecessaryPublicModifier N/A Groovy specific
UnnecessaryReturnKeyword N/A Groovy specific
UnnecessarySafeNavigationOperator N/A Groovy specific
UnnecessarySelfAssignment High
UnnecessarySemicolon N/A Groovy specific
UnnecessaryStringInstantiation High
Unnecessary Substring N/A Groovy specific
UnnecessaryTernaryExpression High
UnnecessaryToString High
UnnecessaryTransientModifier High
CodeNark Unused CheckStyle
check or
UnusedArray High
UnusedMethodParameter High
UnusedObject High
UnusedPrivateField High
UnusedPrivateMethod High
UnusedPrivateMethodParameter High
UnusedVariable High