- The first edition of Patterson and Hennessy's Computer Organization and Design RISC-V Edition
- The C Programming Language, Second Edition by Kernighan and Ritchie.
- The Datacenter as a Computer: An Introduction to the Design of Warehouse-Scale Machines
java -jar tools/venus.jar . -dm mount local vmfs java -jar tools/venus.jar -cc lab04/megalistmanips.s
- Lab 0: Intro and Setup
- Lab 1: C & CGDB
- Project 1: snek
- Lab2: C Memory Management, Valgrind
- Lab 3: RISC-V Assembly
- Project 2: CS61Classify
- Lab 4: RISC-V Functions, Pointers
- Lab 5: Logisim
- Lab 6: CPU, Pipelining
- Lab 7: Caches
- Project 3: CS61CPU
- Lab 8: SIMD Instructions
- Lab 9: Thread-Level Parallelism
- Project 4: Numc
- Lab 10: Virtual Memory