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Embed Python Library

The Embed Python library provides an easy access to the Embed Investment API by Cowrywise. Embed is an investment-as-a-service API that allows you to integrate investment features in your products and offer financial services to your customers at scale. With Embed, developers can create investment accounts for their customers and expose them to a wide variety of investment products!


See the Embed API docs.


Install the package directly via git

pip install git+

You could also install the library via pypi using the pip package manager.

$ pip install -U embedpy


  • Python3+


To get started, sign up for your developer credentials on the Embed Dashboard. Once you have signed up, you can retrieve your client_id and client_secret keys from the developer dashboard. Set your credentials in the environment variables before creating an instance of the Embed Client.

# Set environment variables
CLIENT_ID = CWRY-substitute-yours-here
CLIENT_SECRET = CWRY-SECRET-substitute-yours-here

# Create an instance of the Embed Client
from embed.client import Client
client = Client()

Alternatively, you can use your credentials to instantiate the Embed Client. During this instantiation, you can specify a base URL. This is an optional parameter that defaults to the sandbox base URL.

from embed.client import Client
client = Client(client_id='****', client_secret='****', base_url="https://***")

Embed API REST Methods

Rest Method Endpoint
create_account(first_name=None, last_name=None, email=None) POST /accounts
get_account(account_id) GET /accounts/:id
update_next_of_kin(account_id=None, email=None, first_name=None,/last_name=None, phone_number=None, relationship=None, gender=None) POST /accounts/:id/nok
get_portfolio(account_id) GET /accounts/:id/portfolio
get_asset(asset_id) GET /assets/:id/
list_assets(country=None, asset_type=None) GET /assets?country=None&asset_type=None
get_index(index_id) GET /indexes/:id
create_custom_index(account_id=None, name=None, description=None, allocations=None) POST /indexes
modify_custom_index(account_id=None, index_id=None, allocations=None) PUT /indexes/:index_id
get_investment(investment_id) GET /investments/:id
create_investment(account_id=None, asset_code=None) POST /investments
liquidate_investment(investment_id=None, units=None) POST /investments/:id
get_price_history(asset_id=None, from_date=None, to_date=None) GET /prices?asset_id=None&from_date=None&to_date=None
create_savings(account_id=None, days=None, interest_enabled=None, currency_code=None) POST /savings
buy_stock(account_id=None, symbol=None, amount=None, side=None, the_type=None, time_in_force=None) POST /stocks/buy
sell_stock(account_id=None, symbol=None, amount=None, side=None, the_type=None, time_in_force=None) POST /stocks/sell
list_transfers(account_id=None, email=None, from_date=None, to_date=None) GET /transfers/:id?email=None&from_date=None&to_date=None
get_deposit(deposit_id) GET /deposits/:id
create_wallet(account_id=None, currency_code=None) POST /wallets
transfer(wallet_id=None, product_code=None, amount=None) POST /wallets/:wallet_id/transfer
get_wallet(wallet_id) GET /wallets/:wallet_id

Check the API reference document for all resources and their respective endpoints.


We welcome contributions from everyone. Before submitting a pull request, kindly ensure:

  • Necessary tests for the code changes requested are added
  • Code is formatted according to PEP8
  • There is clear commit messages


Official Embed API Python Library







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