This is the Convus web app
We recommend asdf-vm for managing versions of Ruby and Node. Check the .tool-versions file to see the versions of the following dependencies that Convus uses.
This explanation assumes you're familiar with developing Ruby on Rails applications.
bundle install && yarn install
to install the dependencies -
bin/rake db:create db:migrate db:test:prepare
to setup the database -
cp .env .env.development
and fill in the values for your GitHub OAuth application in the new.env.development
file (required for authentication) -
start the server.- start is a bash script. It starts redis in the background and runs foreman with the dev procfile. If you need/prefer something else, do that. If your "something else" isn't running at localhost:4242, change the appropriate values in Procfile_development and .env
Go to localhost:4242
The source code for convus_webapp is licensed under AGPL-3.0.