This repository aims to provide sample stack content with personalize project, experiences, audiences, attributes and variants to users for the implementation of compass starter app demo websites. An easy way to import this stack content is by using the ‘seed’ command.
To import this content to your stack, perform the following steps:
Install the CLI by running the following command in your terminal:
npm i -g @contentstack/[email protected]
By default, CLI uses the North America region. To use the Europe region, run this command in your terminal:
csdx config:set:region EU
Next, log in to your Contentstack account via CLI:
csdx auth:login
Run the ‘seed’ command to import content to your stack:
csdx cm:stacks:seed --repo "contentstack/compass-starter-stack" --locale "en"
Refer to the Seed command documentation to learn more.
To work with Visual Builder, your Contentstack Organization must have appropriate plan enabled.