Fixes and Improvements
fixes #184 : Fix multi topic subscription with KEY order by adding topic to shard key (#315 )
fixes #329 : Committing around transaction markers causes encoder to crash (#328 )
build: Upgrade Truth-Generator to 0.1.1 for user Subject discovery (#332 )
build: Allow snapshots locally, fail in CI (#331 )
build: OSS Index scan change to warn only and exclude Guava CVE-2020-8908 as it's WONT_FIX (#330 )
build(deps): bump reactor-core from 3.4.19 to 3.4.21 (#344 )
build(deps): dependabot bump Mockito, Surefire, Reactor, AssertJ, Release (#342 ) (#342 )
build(deps): dependabot bump TestContainers, Vert.x, Enforcer, Versions, JUnit, Postgress (#336 )
Linked issues
Message with null key lead to continuous failure when using KEY ordering #318
Subscribing to two or more topics with KEY ordering, results in messages of the same Key never being processed #184
Cannot have negative length BitSet error - committing transaction adjacent offsets #329
You can’t perform that action at this time.