confluent-kafka-python v2.6.2
Due to an error in which we included dependency changes to a recent patch release, Confluent recommends users to refrain from upgrading to 2.6.2 of Confluent Kafka. Confluent will release a new minor version, 2.7.0, where the dependency changes will be appropriately included. Users who have already upgraded to 2.6.2 and made the required dependency changes are free to remain on that version and are recommended to upgrade to 2.7.0 when that version is available. Upon the release of 2.7.0, the 2.6.2 version will be marked deprecated.
We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate the feedback that we have gotten from the community.
Note: This version is yanked from PyPI. Use 2.7.0 instead.
Note: This release modifies the dependencies of the Schema Registry client.
If you are using the Schema Registry client, please ensure that you install the
extra dependencies using the following syntax:
pip install confluent-kafka[schemaregistry]
pip install confluent-kafka[avro,schemaregistry]
Please see the README.md for more information related to installing protobuf, jsonschema or rules dependencies.
v2.6.2 is a feature release with the following features, fixes and enhancements:
- Support for Data Contracts with Schema Registry, including
- Data Quality rules
- Data Transformation rules
- Client-Side Field Level Encryption (CSFLE)
- Schema Migration rules (requires Python 3.9+)
- Migrated the Schema Registry client from requests to httpx
- Add support for multiple URLs (#409)
- Allow configuring timeout (#622)
- Fix deletion semantics (#1127)
- Python deserializer can take SR client (#1174)
- Fix handling of Avro unions (#1562)
- Remove deprecated RefResolver for JSON (#1840)
- Support delete of subject version (#1851)
confluent-kafka-python is based on librdkafka v2.6.1, see the
librdkafka release notes
for a complete list of changes, enhancements, fixes and upgrade considerations.