Python scripts examples for RUCKUS One.
R1_example1 uses the account credentials to retrieve the jwt token, using the function getToken.
R1_example2 uses an API KEY to retrieve the jwt token. This is the recommended method. First you need to create an API KEY in the RUCKUS One UI, then use the client id and client secret to generate a jwt token using the function getJWT.
R1_example3 is an example on how to manage delegated accounts.
R1_hospitality_edition retrieves Properties, Spaces, APs, AP parameters and clients from a R1 Hospitality Edition instance and writes that data in a .csv file (R1 Hospitality Edition uses delegated accounts in a way that is similar to MSP/MSP-ECs.
R1_API is the module with all the API calls used in the examples above.
R1_WISPr_Portal is a simple captive portal using Flask as the web server, and the WISPr interface to send an authentication request to RUCKUS One. You need to edit the integration key and the host IP address. Create a folder named templates at the same level as where the python script is located, and copy the file wisprPortal.html to that folder. The tenantID, client's MAC and IP addresses are fetched from the session by the python script. The username and password are entered in the portal by the user.
R1_LBS is a script to decode MQTT messages coming from the pre-engine API in RUCKUS One. That API provides RSSI and SNR information for all client devices that are heard by the RUCKUS One APs, when the venue is configured with a LBS profile.