- TypeScript Definitions @skubakdj @Punisher97
- Add useNativeDriver to progresscircle @ds8k
- Feature/sheetbottom landscape support @ds8k
- Allow changing of slider track color @ds8k
- Dialog action buttons style @mgonzalezs
- 307 add fullwidth prop to select @codypearce
- Added prop to use input casing for buttons @alburdette619
- Dynamically Scale the Switch @alburdette619
- Scalable Checkbox Sizing @alburdette619
- Spread input props on Searchfield @alburdette619
- SpeedDial with only one fab button is now able to execute onPress function @dann1609
- ListItem - vertically center children/text @ds8k
- Few material-bread enhancement @achoisy
- Add style props to DrawerHeader component @achoisy
- Various RTL fixes @ds8k
- Fix Searchfield ref @alburdette619
- Fix Appbar's elevation @arisferyanto