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Java framework aimed to support distributed execution of algorithms


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SquirrelDrey is a Java framework aimed to support distributed execution of algorithms thanks to Hazelcast technology. SquirrelDrey is a Task-Driven Framework: the logic of any custom algorithm must be contained in its custom tasks. This means that the entrypoint for the algorithm is no more than one initial Task.

The initial Task will generate as much other tasks as needed. In the same manner, these can also generate other tasks. All of them will be executed in a distributed cluster. To control the internal logic of the custom algorithm Hazelcast objects may be used. For example, a distributed Latch can be used to make certain task generate another different one only when certain condition is met. Or a distributed Map can be useful for storing any intermediate task's result. For further information, see Hazelcast Docs.

Whenever SquirrelDrey founds that the number of tasks sent to be executed matches the number of completed tasks for one algorithm, it will be terminated. If any task has called method Task.algorithmSolved(result), that will be the final result of the algorithm (null if not).

Code example (squirrel-drey-hello-world)

We will explain our hello-world sample app (squirrel-drey-hello-world). This app runs an algorithm with 3 types of tasks: PreparationTask, AtomicTask and SolveTask.

Our PreparationTask will act as the initial task for the algorithm. It generates 10 AtomicTask, that simply wait for 5 seconds and set their result as '1'. The last executed AtomicTask will generate one SolveTask, which sums all the results from all AtomicTask and ends the algorithm (the final result will be the number of AtomicTasks executed).

To control which AtomicTask should generate the only SolveTask, we make use of a distributed AtomicLong, provided by Hazelcast. PreparationTask initilizes this parameter to the number of AtomicTasks and each AtomicTask decrements it at the end of its process() method. When any AtomicTask decrements the value to 0 it will mean that it is indeed the last of its kind and it will add one SolveTask.

This flow means that both PreparationTask and SolveTask block the execution: PreparationTask will always be the first Task executed and SolveTask the last one. In principle, we don't know (and we don't mind) the order of execution of the AtomicTasks.

AlgorithmManager<String> manager = new AlgorithmManager<>();
Task initialTask = new PreparationTask(10);

manager.solveAlgorithm("sample_algorithm", initialTask, 1, (result) -> {
	System.out.println("MY RESULT: " + result);
public class PreparationTask extends Task {
	private Integer numberOfAtomicTasks;

	public PreparationTask(Integer numberOfAtomicTasks) {
		this.numberOfAtomicTasks = numberOfAtomicTasks;

	public void process() throws Exception {
		IAtomicLong atomicLong = this.getAtomicLong("my_countdown");
		for (int i = 0; i < this.numberOfAtomicTasks; i++) {
			try {
				addNewTask(new AtomicTask());
			} catch (Exception e) {
public class AtomicTask extends Task {

	public AtomicTask() {	}

	public void process() throws Exception {
		IMap<Integer, Integer> results = (IMap<Integer, Integer>) this.getMap("my_results");
		IAtomicLong atomicLong = this.getAtomicLong("my_countdown");
		results.put(this.getId(), 1);
		if (atomicLong.decrementAndGet() == 0L) {
			System.out.println("ADDING SOLVE TASK FOR ALGORITHM " + this.algorithmId);
			addNewTask(new SolveTask());
public class SolveTask extends Task {

	public void process() throws Exception {
		IMap<Integer, Integer> results = (IMap<Integer, Integer>) this.getMap("my_results");
		Integer finalResult = 0;
		for (Entry<Integer, Integer> e : results.entrySet()) {
			finalResult += e.getValue();

Running sample applications


Clone and build the project

git clone
cd SquirrelDrey/squirrel-drey-hello-world
mvn -DskipTests=true package

Launch a worker

java -Dworker=true -jar target/squirrel-drey-hello-world-*.jar

Launch app (different console window)

java -Dworker=false -jar target/squirrel-drey-hello-world-*.jar

The output of the app will show the solving process, displaying the state of the workers in real time, and will end showing the final result.


Clone and build the project

git clone
cd SquirrelDrey/squirrel-drey-sampleapp
mvn -DskipTests=true package

Launch a worker

java -Dworker=true -Dhazelcast-config=src/main/resources/hazelcast-config.xml -Dmode=PRIORITY -jar target/squirrel-drey-sampleapp-*.jar

Launch sampleapp (different console window)

java -Dworker=false -Dhazelcast-client-config=src/main/resources/hazelcast-client-config.xml -Daws=false -jar target/squirrel-drey-sampleapp-*.jar

You will have the web app available at localhost:5000. You can launch different algorithms with different configurations at the same time, and they will execute making use of all the launched workers. You can dinamically add or remove workers and see the behaviour and performance of the algorithm's execution.

We provide a development mode for squirrel-drey-sample-app. To quickly launch both a worker and the application at the same time on the same process, just run java -Ddevmode=true -jar target/squirrel-drey-sampleapp-*.jar.

Using SNAPSHOT versions

Do you want the latest version on master branch of SquirrelDrey, but it isn't on Maven Central yet? Just compile it locally. For example, for squirrel-drey-hello-world:

git clone
cd SquirrelDrey/squirrel-drey
mvn install
cd ../squirrel-drey-hello-world
mvn -DskipTests=true clean package

Building your own app

Your project must have the following dependency:


Because of the way Hazelcast manages distributed objects, your application will have to be responsible of launching the workers (for security reasons, custom objects cannot be sent between nodes if their classes are not purposely declared and available on the node's classpath). An easy way of managing this situation is by using command line options to choose whether to launch you application or a worker (with static method es.codeurjc.distributed.algorithm.Worker.launch()).

squirrel-drey-sampleapp does it just like this. Summarizing its main method:

public static void main(String[] args) {

	boolean isWorker = Boolean.valueOf(System.getProperty("worker"));

	if (!isWorker) {;
	} else {

So, our application will start up if we launch the JAR the following way:

java -Dworker=false -jar sampleapp.jar

But one worker will be launched if done like this:

java -Dworker=true -jar sampleapp.jar


Class Description
AlgorithmManager<T> Centralized manager object for launching algorithms and getting their result. T is the class of the algorithm's final result. Must be a Serializable object
Algorithm<T> Represents a project with one initial Task as entry point for its execution. Stores valuable information about the Tasks added, completed and queued
Task Callable objects that will be executed asynchronously in a distributed cluster. All classes extending it must have serializable attributes

AlgorithmManager< T >

Method Params (italics are optional) Returns Description
constructor String:hazelcastClientConfig
New AlgorithmManager, searching for configuration file on path hazelcastClientConfig (default one if not found) and initializing the AWS CloudWatch module if withAWSCloudWatch is true (false by default)
solveAlgorithm String:algorithmId
String Solves the algorithm identified by algorithmId, with initialTask as the first Task to be executed, with certain priority (1 > 2 > 3...) and running callback function when the final result is available. If the algorithm id is not valid (was previously used) a new one is returned
solveAlgorithm String:algorithmId
String Solves the algorithm identified by algorithmId, with initialTask as the first Task to be executed, with certain priority (1 > 2 > 3...) and executing callback success/error function when the final result is available. If the algorithm id is not valid (was previously used) a new one is returned
terminateAlgorithms void Stops the execution of all running algorithms, forcing their termination
blockingTerminateAlgorithms void Stops the execution of all running algorithms, forcing their termination. The method will not return until all the distributed structures are not clean and properly stopped
blockingTerminateOneAlgorithm String:algorithmId void Stops the execution of algorithm with id algorithmId, forcing its termination. The method will not return until all the distributed structures related to this algorithm are not clean and properly stopped
getAlgorithm String:algorithmId Algorithm Get running algorithm with id algorithmId. This method will return null for a finished algorithm
getAllAlgorithms Collection<Algorithm> Get all running algorithms

Algorithm< T >

Method Params (italics are optional) Returns Description
getResult T Get the final result of the algorithm. Only available when the algorithm is done (same value is received by callback parameter Consumer<T>:callback on method AlgorithmManager.solveAlgorithm)
getStatus Algorithm.Status Returns the status of the algorithm
getTasksAdded int Get the total number of tasks that have been added to the algorithm by the time this method is called (including the initial Task)
getTasksCompleted int Get the total number of tasks that have succefully finished its execution by the time this method is called (including the initial Task)
getTasksQueued int Get the total number of tasks waiting in the algorithm's queue
getTimeOfProcessing int Seconds that the algorithm has been executing
getInitialTask Task Entrypoint task of the algorithm (task passed to method AlgorithmManager.solveAlgorithm)
getErrorTasks List<Task> Every task of the algorithm that has triggered an error. In the current version, only possible errors that tasks can throw are timeouts. So this method returns all tasks that have triggered a timeout
Algorithm.Status (enum)
  • STARTED: Algorithm has started (method AlgorithmManager.solveAlgorithm has been called)
  • COMPLETED: Algorithm has successfully finished
  • TERMINATED: Algorithm has been manually cancelled by calling any of the termination methods of AlgorithmManager}
  • TIMEOUT: Algorithm has been forcibly finished by a task that didn't manage to complete within its specified timeout. Any Task that throws a timeout will be stopped, or at least will try. The responsibility of stopping the thread belongs to the designer of the Task, specifically Task#process method. It should be designed following Java best practices for running concurrent threads: allow your Task to throw InterruptedException when possible and explicitly check if the current Thread is interrupted regularly during the process method, returning if so.


Method Params (italics are optional) Returns Description
setMaxDuration long:milliseconds void Set the timeout of the Task. If this time elapses, the algorithm will be stopped with status TIMEOUT. Any Task that throws a timeout will be stopped, or at least will try. The responsibility of stopping the thread belongs to the designer of the Task, specifically Task#process method. It should be designed following Java best practices for running concurrent threads: allow your Task to throw InterruptedException when possible and explicitly check if the current Thread is interrupted regularly during the process method, returning if so.
addNewTask Task:task void Add a new Task to the algorithm
process void Main code of the distributed task
algorithmSolved R:finalResult void This method will finish the Algorithm< R >, setting finalResult as the global final result for the algorithm
getId int Returns the unique identifier for this task
getStatus Task.Status Returns the status of the task
getMap String:id IMap Returns a distributed Hazelcast Map associated to the Algorithm of this Task
getQueue String:id IQueue Returns a distributed Hazelcast Queue associated to the Algorithm of this Task
getRingbuffer String:id Ringbuffer Returns a distributed Hazelcast Ringbuffer associated to the Algorithm of this Task
getSet String:id ISet Returns a distributed Hazelcast Set associated to the Algorithm of this Task
getList String:id IList Returns a distributed Hazelcast List associated to the Algorithm of this Task
getMultiMap String:id MultiMap Returns a distributed Hazelcast MultiMap associated to the Algorithm of this Task
getReplicatedMap String:id ReplicatedMap Returns a distributed Hazelcast ReplicatedMap associated to the Algorithm of this Task
getTopic String:id ITopic Returns a distributed Hazelcast Topic associated to the Algorithm of this Task
getLock String:id ILock Returns a distributed Hazelcast Lock associated to the Algorithm of this Task
getSemaphore String:id ISemaphore Returns a distributed Hazelcast Semaphore associated to the Algorithm of this Task
getAtomicLong String:id IAtomicLong Returns a distributed Hazelcast AtomicLong associated to the Algorithm of this Task
getAtomicReference String:id IAtomicReference Returns a distributed Hazelcast AtomicReference associated to the Algorithm of this Task
getIdGenerator String:id IdGenerator Returns a distributed Hazelcast IdGenerator associated to the Algorithm of this Task
getCountDownLatch String:id ICountDownLatch Returns a distributed Hazelcast CountDownLatch associated to the Algorithm of this Task

All get[DATA_STRUCTURE] methods above are a simple encapsulation that allows SquirrelDrey to properly dispose all the distributed data structures associated to one algorithm when it is over. Users can always get any Hazelcast distributed object by calling Task.hazelcastInstance.get[DATA_STRUCTURE] instead of Task.get[DATA_STRUCTURE], but they are responsible of destroying them at some time during the execution. You may prefer doing this when you want a distributed object to be common to every algorithm and not just to one.

Task.Status (enum)
  • QUEUED: Task is waiting in the algorithm's distributed queue
  • RUNNING: Task is running on some worker
  • COMPLETED: Task has successfully finished
  • TIMEOUT: Task didn't manage to finish within its specified timeout

System properties

  • hazelcast-config: path to hazelcast configuration file. Default to "src/main/resources/hazelcast-config.xml", which ultimately leads to this file.
  • mode: PRIORITY (default) or RANDOM. Defines the strategy followed by SquirrelDrey to select the next task to solve.
  • idle-cores-worker: number of cores that will remain idle per worker. Default is 1, so ideally worker communications will never get blocked, but this property can be increased to ensure it.
  • idle-cores-app: number of cores that will remain idle in the application. Default is 3/4 of the cores.
  • init-timeout: minutes that a worker node will wait for the HazelCast CP subsystem cluster to be up and ready. If it elapses, then the worker Java process will be terminated.
  • devmode: if true 2 worker nodes will be automatically launched by the library when initializing a new AlgorithmManager.
  • cp-member-count (CP Hazelcast config property): number of CP members. Default: 3 (MINIMUM)
  • cp-session-heartbeat (CP Hazelcast config property): interval in seconds for the periodically-committed CP session heartbeats. Default: 30
  • cp-session-ttl (CP Hazelcast config property): duration in seconds for a CP session to be kept alive after the last heartbeat. Default: 180
  • cp-missing-member-autoremoval: (CP Hazelcast config property): duration in seconds to wait before automatically removing a missing CP member from the CP subsystem. For a normal-operating system this property is not necessary in principle, as master node will immediately remove the CP member from the CP group on member disconnection. Default: 300

Some thoughts about Hazelcast approach compared to other alternatives

SquirrelDrey framework relies on Hazelcast, but other alternatives could be used. In this section we will compare the two current main options available to deal with distribution of algorithms on clusters, taking Hazelcast and Apache Flink as representatives for each approach. We will also discuss why Hazelcast is the final chosen technology.

First of all, both frameworks share similar architecures. Users can launch slave nodes to build one cluster, and clients that can communicate with the cluster are available to use in Java applications.

Hazelcast stands for the imperative approach, while Apache Flink represents the declarative approach. A good analogy to ilustrate this statement can be set with Java 8 Stream API. These code snippets will return the same result ("4", "16", "36") :

public List<Double> imperative() {
	List<Double> sourceList = Arrays.asList("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6");
	List<Double> resultList = new ArrayList<>();
	for (Integer i : input) {
		if (i % 2 == 0) {
	return result;

public List<Double> declarative() {
	List<Double> sourceList = Arrays.asList("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6");
		.filter(i -> i % 2 == 0)
		.collect(Collectors.toCollection(() -> new ArrayList<>()));

Both functions return the same list, but the second one makes use of the Stream API and lambda functions as compared with the traditional loop of the first one.

Now let's outline the distribution of a list of tasks (Callable objects) on a cluster. Let's suppose our tasks are:

public class Task implements Callable<Void>, Serializable {
	public Void call() throws Exception {
		System.out.println("Task running!");
		return null;

With Hazelcast

The client may insert tasks on a distributed queue (got thanks to a HazelcastInstance object):

public void imperativeHAZELCAST(List<Task> tasks) {
	Queue<Task> distributedQueue = hazelcastInstance.getQueue("queue");
	for (Task task : tasks) {

Slave nodes just need to indefinitely poll from the distributed queue and run the call method of the task.

With Apache Flink

public void declarativeFLINK(List<Task> tasks) {
	ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
	DataSet<Task> tasks = environment.fromCollection(tasks);
	tasks.flatMap((task) -> {;

Client uses the Java API offered by Flink to build the execution pipeline and launch the job.

For this extremely simple code, Flink option may seem like a good, clean choice, but things get much tougher when extending the pipeline and implementing scalability:

  • With Hazelcast approach users have total control over the tasks. It is a mandatory requirement to implement some logic in order to let slave nodes know when to poll from the queue of tasks, but that's precisely what SquirrelDrey offers. Just by implementing the task's logic, users can dynamically build pipelines to be distributed among nodes. And because Hazelcast offers a In Memory Data Grid framework, sharing information between nodes is very easy. Do you want the 10th MyTask to generate a MyOtherTask? Hazelcast offers an AtomicLong object that can be set to 10 and can be decremented by every MyTask, and directly after in the code check if that value is 0. If so, just make MyTask push a new MyOtherTask to the distributed queue. Or maybe you want to store the results of every MyTask to be consumed by a future task. No problem: just store them in the same code of MyTask in a distributed Map. In short: MyTask custom code can handle all this logic in an easy, traditional way.
  • On the other hand, Apache Flink is at first much more limited regarding the control users have. Because of the declarative format, our pipeline must be fully declared on the client so Flink can build its internal DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph). The previous examples would work in a different way: Flink pipeline needs to receive a list of 10 MyTask, and thanks to a reduce function wait to all of them to be finished. To store the results, every MyTask should add its own to a Collector object, and the inner magic of Flink can handle the retrieval of the final result on the reduce function.

To sum up, for algorithms implemented with Java, using the imperative Hazelcast approach means to have a comfortable, dynamic and object-oriented way of building the execution pipeline, while by using the functional Apache Flink approach means to deal with a framework ideal for processing huge data streams, such as search algorithms or word processing applications (in fact any algorithm based on a huge amount of similar and simple inputs on which to apply some transformation or reduction). But not so convenient for algorithms of other nature, containing tasks with more complex inputs, processing and communications among them.

To conclude, it is also worth mentioning the state of scalability and fault tolerance on both technologies.

Fault tolerance

Both of them support fault tolerance: Apache Flink can store the execution state of one pipeline, and SquirrelDrey adds some logic to ensure that if one node unexpectedly goes down, other node will execute the running tasks lost on the terminated node. The main difference between them is that Apache Flink requires a hard restart in order to be able to resume the execution. Our Hazelcast approach is implemented so the cluster status doesn't change in the event of a node crash: every other node will smoothly continue its execution, and the lost tasks will be executed (with high priority) over the next iterations of the remaining nodes.


In terms of scalability, Apache Flink has a very important restriction: the parallelism must be declared on the cluster configuration or on the pipeline code. This means that when any node is dynamically added to the cluster, a whole reset of the cluster and re-configuration is needed for the new node to be fully exploited. This is supposed in a AWS scenario using a cluster made up of simple EC2 machines. That being said, Amazon offers a service called EMR (Elastic MapReduce) that can be used along Apache Flink and suitable for (returning to what has been said before) some specific kind of algorithms. SquirrelDrey behaviour makes scalability pretty easy: since nodes simply poll from the distributed queue, a new node will start polling when launched. Nobody cares about configuring parallelism: nodes are configured by default to accept as many tasks as cores to maximize performance and CPU usage. The only difference to other nodes is that maybe the task that one of them was going to poll can now be taken by the new node.

As a final thought, both Hazelcast and Apache offer opposite frameworks: Apache Ignite is very similar to Hazelcast IMDG, and Hazelcast Jet is very similar to Apache Flink.

Running on Amazon ECS

If you want to run this software on Amazon ECS follow this steps.

Keep in mind that there are two apps inside the jar, one is the worker and the other one is the sample app. So, you have to create basically the same infraestructure twice.

Build the Docker container.

This step is common for the sample app and the worker app.

First of all, we need to create the container image and upload it to the Amazon Repository. Hazelcast is ready for running on ECS you just need to configure it. So, add this stanzas to Hazelcast config files.

  • hazelcast-client-config.xml
    <property name="hazelcast.discovery.enabled">true</property>
    <property name="hazelcast.discovery.public.ip.enabled">true</property>
        <discovery-strategy enabled="true" class="">
                      <property name="iam-role">IAM_ROLE</property>
                      <property name="region">REGION</property>
                      <property name="security-group-name">SECURITY_GROUP_NAME</property>
                      <property name="tag-key">TAG_KEY</property>
                      <property name="tag-value">TAG_VALUE</property>
                      <property name="hz-port">HZ_PORT</property>
  • hazelcast-config.xml
     <property name="hazelcast.discovery.enabled">true</property>
                <discovery-strategy enabled="true" class="">
                      <property name="iam-role">IAM_ROLE</property>
                      <property name="region">REGION</property>
                      <property name="security-group-name">SECURITY_GROUP_NAME</property>
                      <property name="tag-key">TAG_KEY</property>
                      <property name="tag-value">TAG_VALUE</property>
                      <property name="hz-port">HZ_PORT</property>
        <interfaces enabled="true">

For more information on this values check out the official documentation.

To set up those values in run time a script is run and, as usual, the values get the container as environment variables.

Then, go to ECS console and follow the steps to register your image in the repository.

IAM Role

You must create an IAM Role to grant permissions over your AWS infraestructure. According to Hazelcast docs, you need at least ec2:DescribeInstances policy for your role but in fact you also need:


To manage CloudWatch and ECS.

Security Group

You must create a Security Group with the port 5701 open for the worker and the port 5701 and 5000 for the sample app.

Task Definition

Task definition is similar to Docker Compose. You need to set up the environment where your container is going to live. So, go to the ECS console and create a new Task Definition.

Basically you need to set up Task name, the Role you created previously and the Network mode this one to host. Then add the container and set the Name, Image which is the one you created previously, Memory Limits is a Java app so be generous and then the environment variable, it should look like:

HZ_PORT 5701 This port is used by hazelcast to talk to the workers
IAM_ROLE hazelcastrole This role grant the policies
INTERFACE 10.0.0.* Depends on your VPC CIDR
MODE RANDOM Optios are random or priority
REGION eu-west-1 Your AWS Region
TAG_KEY aws-test-cluster Hazelcast uses this pair to identify other cluster members
TAG_VALUE cluster1
TYPE worker Options are worker or web


Now you have to create the cluster which is a group of EC2 instances. On the console you can fill up the information for the new instances ECS will create. You will create a cluster for the sample app and other for the workers. The values are basically the same.

Name hazelcast-CLUSTER Name of the cluster, replace CLUSTER by workers or web to identify in the future
EC2 instance type m4.xlarge We recommend m4.xlarge. The sample app can use a smaller instance type
Number of instances 1 1 instance at the begining
Key pair Depends on if you want to ssh your instances
Networking Complete upon your needs
Container instance IAM role The role you created before

When you press Create an EC2 instance will be created, now you have to edit that instance to add the key/value tag.

This only apply for workers cluster. After that, go back to ECS -> Clusters and click on ECS Instances and Scale ECS Instances then you will see a window with a link to AWS Auto Scaling Group you have to click there.

Now you should see AWS Auto Scaing Pane, if not, go throught EC2 main pane on the left you shoud see Auto Scaling and Auto Scaling Groups. Here, you select the new one and in Details you set the following information:

Min: 1 Max: 5 Termination Policy: NewestInstance

Under Tags add the key and value you set on the Hazelcast configuration.


You have to create a Service for the sample app and the worker. The diference between them is the name and the number of desired tasks of the worker.

Back to ECS you can now configure the Service from the Task Definition, go to the console and create a Service from the last revision of your Task Definition by selecting it and pressing Actions then Create new Service.

On the next screen you have to configure the service. Setting a name, number of tasks (same tasks number as instances Max you set before.) and task placemente as One task per host. You don't need a Load Balancer neither a Scaling policy for the service. As you press Create Service a container will appear in your infraestructure with the app running.


While your app is running it sends metrics to Amazon Cloud Watch. Now you can create alarms based on this metrics values. You need two alarms, one for scale up and another for scale down.

  • Scale up

Go to Amazon Cloud Watch pane and click on the left menu on Alarms and Create a new Alarm. Find the metric HAZELCAST_METRIC and choose TASKS_QUEUE then click next. Pick up a name for the alarm and set is: >= 2 then in Actions remove that notification and in Period choose 10 seconds. Finish by presing Create Alarm

  • Scale down

Go to Amazon Cloud Watch pane and click on the left menu on Alarms and Create a new Alarm. Find the metric HAZELCAST_METRIC and choose TASKS_QUEUE then click next. Pick up a name for the alarm and set is: < 1 then in Actions remove that notification and in Period choose 10 seconds. Finish by presing Create Alarm

With those configuration, you can go back to the EC2 pane in Auto Scaling, Auto Scaling Group you can set the Scaling Policies.

  • Scale In
Key Value
Policy type Simple scaling
Execute policy when Alarm Scale Down
Take action Remove 1 instance
And wait 60 seconds
  • Scale Out
Key Value
Policy type Simple scaling
Execute policy when Alarm Scale Down
Take action Remove 1 instance
And wait 60 seconds

Summing up

At this poing you should be able to access the web and run the algorithm. The IP you are looking for is the one attached to the sample app instance.


You can find a CloudFormation recipe in this repo which make easier to deploy this infreastructure. We encourage you to use that rather than a configuration by hand.