This repository contains the code necessary to generate the graphs and tables included in the article (pending acceptance) "Cost-effective load testing of WebRTC applications" in the "Journal of Systems and Software" within the "Special Issue on "Test Automation: Trends, Benefits, and Costs".
The data used to generate the graphs and tables have been obtained from the metrics captured by ElasticSearch and are provided in CSV format.
The steps to generate the graphs from the data are shown below:
Pre-requisites to reproduce
- Git 2.17+
- Docker 19+
We use official Docker images, for more info, see:
git clone
cd ChartGenerator_WebRTC
docker run --rm -v "$PWD":/home/jovyan/work -p 8888:8888 jupyter/scipy-notebook
Open the link provided in the logs to see JupyterNotebook:<token>
Run Notebook just by click Kernel > Restart & Run all