This is a modified fork of the Stanford Karel and acm.jar packages
Learn more about ACM Java Task Force here:
This is the origin ACM library licence:
To test out an example open the root directory in your terminal. Then navigate to SimpleKarel
$ cd examples/SimpleKarel/
$ javac -cp src:../../karel.jar src/
$ java -cp src:../../karel.jar BlankKarel
Then compile and run the program. You'll need to add the src directory as well as the karel.jar directory in the root to the classpath.
Karel's basic set of commands are:
This directory rebuilds the karel.jar archive used to implement the Java-based version of Karel the Dog.
To rebuild the karel.jar file from the command line on Mac OS X or a Unix-based system, just type
make all
The Makefile always recompiles all the source files and doesn't try to be clever about dependencies, which is relatively difficult for Java packages.
The directory includes a copy of acm.jar, which is needed for the compilation process. If you check out this package, you should check to see whether there is a new version of acm.jar and update it to the most recent version. The contents of the acm.jar file are merged into karel.jar so that students can work with only a single jar file.