is a high performance,
web socket command execution protocol. It can be thought of as SSH without encryption.
It's useful in cases where you want to provide a command exec interface into a remote environment. It's implemented
with WebSocket so it may be used directly by a browser frontend. Its symmetric design satisfies
for local and remote execution.
Error handling is omitted for brevity.
conn, _, _ := websocket.Dial(ctx, "ws://remote.exec.addr", nil)
defer conn.Close(websocket.StatusAbnormalClosure, "terminate process")
execer := wsep.RemoteExecer(conn)
process, _ := execer.Start(ctx, wsep.Command{
Command: "cat",
Args: []string{"go.mod"},
Stdin: false,
go io.Copy(os.Stderr, process.Stderr())
go io.Copy(os.Stdout, process.Stdout())
conn.Close(websocket.StatusNormalClosure, "normal closure")
func (s server) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
conn, _ := websocket.Accept(w, r, nil)
wsep.Serve(r.Context(), conn, wsep.LocalExecer{})
ws.Close(websocket.StatusNormalClosure, "normal closure")
Start a local executor:
go run ./dev/server
Start a client:
go run ./dev/client tty bash
go run ./dev/client notty ls
Local sh
through a local wsep
$ head -c 100000000 /dev/urandom > /tmp/random; cat /tmp/random | pv | time ./bin/client notty sh -c "cat > /dev/null"
95.4MiB 0:00:00 [ 269MiB/s] [ <=> ]
./bin/client notty sh -c "cat > /dev/null" 0.32s user 0.31s system 31% cpu 2.019 total
Local sh
$ head -c 100000000 /dev/urandom > /tmp/random; cat /tmp/random | pv | time sh -c "cat > /dev/null"
95.4MiB 0:00:00 [1.73GiB/s] [ <=> ]
sh -c "cat > /dev/null" 0.00s user 0.02s system 32% cpu 0.057 total