Handcalcs v0.4.3
Added Feature
- Now functions that are called within other functions should not have to be defined in main for unrolling to work!
- there is one case if you have a function defined in Main, that is the same function name as one in another module (not in main), it will currently use the Main function. This could cause silent errors which is not good. However, this is a single word fix and will be changed in the future. Latexify doesn't parse
well currently, so I wanted to keep it this way, but I may change this very soon anyway.
- there is one case if you have a function defined in Main, that is the same function name as one in another module (not in main), it will currently use the Main function. This could cause silent errors which is not good. However, this is a single word fix and will be changed in the future. Latexify doesn't parse
Merged pull requests:
- Fix func not found (#22) (@co1emi11er2)