Download granted data from USPTO by countries with Python
For download granted patents to assignees in Chile, you must use the two-digits ISO 3166-2 code.
def query(code):
output = {
"_and": [
{"assignee_country": "CL"}
return output
If you want customize the query, for more information visit, where you can choose the most indicated field.
Hence, if you want download granted patents to assignees in Chile at 2015, the query is:
def query(code):
output = {
"_and": [
{"assignee_country": "CL",
"patent_year": 2015}
return output
This code include four fields: assignee_country, cpc_group_id, patent_number, patent_year If you need add and/or remove fields, only you must edit data["f"] in download() function.
data["f"] = [
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