This keyboard layout is designed with Macs with Norwegian ISO layouts in mind, but any ISO keyboard should work. Please note that all documentation refers to the Norwegian keycaps (not that different from English).
To start using this layout, simply make use of the option key and try your way ahead. The layout is designed with similarity and logic in mind. Similar symbols will be found under the same key. Keep pressing until you find what you want. For diacritics, other symbols, suprasegmentals and tones and word accents the layout is loosely based on X-SAMPA.
The IPA logo was created by Greg Newton and John Esling at the University of Victoria.
© International Phonetic Association -
Adapted to .icns format and included in this bundle. Not for commercial use and in no way affiliated with this product.
- Download the ZIP file, and unzip it.
- In Finder, press ⌘ Command + ⇧ Shift + G, and enter the following directory:
~/Library/Keyboard Layouts/
. - Move
IPA Keyboard Layout for Norwegian.bundle
to the directory. - Sign out of your computer and sign back in.
- Open System Preferences > Keyboard to find and add "IPA" in the Input Sources tab.
Tip: You can switch back and forth between keyboard inputs using ⌃ Control + Space bar.
⌥ Option + corresponding symbol (once, twice etc.)
A ɑ ɒ ɐ ʌ
B β ɓ ʙ
C ç ɕ
D ð ɖ ɗ
E ə ɚ ɵ ɘ ɛ ɜ ɞ
F ɸ
G ɠ ɢ ʛ ɣ
H ɥ ɦ ħ ɧ ʜ
I ɪ ɨ
J ɟ ʝ ʄ
K ʘ ǀ ǃ ǂ ǁ
L ɬ ɭ ɮ ʟ ʎ
M ɱ
N ŋ ɳ ɲ ɴ
O ɔ ʊ
R ɾ ʁ ɹ ɻ ʀ ɽ ɺ
S ʃ ʂ
T θ ʈ
U ʉ ɯ
V ʋ ⱱ
W ʍ ɰ
X χ
Y ʏ ɤ
Z ʒ ʐ ʑ
Ø œ ɶ ∅
+ ʔ ʕ ʢ ʡ
' ʼ
⌥ Option + ⇧ Shift + corresponding symbol
voiceless: 0
voiced: V
aspirated: H
more rounded: F
less rounded: C
advanced: +
retracted: -
centralized: "
mid-centralized: X
syllabic: ’
non-syllabic: ¨
rhoticity: ´
breathy voiced: T
creaky voiced: K
linguolabial: @
labialized: W
palatalized: J
velarized: G
pharyngealized: P
velarized or pharyngelized: E
raised: R
lowered: O
advanced tongue root: <
retracted tongue root: Q
dental: D
apical: A
laminal: M
nasalized: B
nasal release: N
lateral release: L
no audible release: Z
⇧ Shift + corresponding symbol
tie bar over: 8
tie bar under: 9
linking: -
primary stress: ‘
secondary stress: ‘ + ‘
long: :
half-long: ;
extra short: E
minor (foot) group: I
major (intonation) group: I + I
extra high: T
high: H
mid: M
low: L
extra low: B
extra high bar: 5
high bar: 4
mid bar: 3
low bar: 2
extra low bar: 1
downstep: @
upstep: ¨
rising: R
falling: F
high rising: H + T
low rising: B + L
rising-falling: R + F
global rise: Å
global fall: Æ
⟨: ⌥ Option + ⇧ Shift + Ø
⟩: ⌥ Option + ⇧ Shift + Æ
superscript numbers: ¨ + number key
subscript numbers: @ + number key