A library component of c3kit - Clean Coders Clojure Kit.
"Where is thy leather apron and thy rule?" - Shakespeare
Apron consists of necessities that almost any clojure app would find useful.
- app.clj : application service and state management
- util.clj : misc utilities used by other c3kit code
- corec.cljc : useful fns, platform independent
- cursor.cljc : atom cursor based on reagent's
- legend.cljc : index application entities
- log.cljc : platform independent logging
- schema.cljc : validation, coercion, specification for entity structure
- time.cljc : simple platform independent time manipulation
- utilc.cljc : platform independent edn, transit, csv, etc..
# Run the JVM tests
clj -M:test:spec
clj -M:test:spec -a # auto runner
# Compile and Run JS tests
clj -M:test:cljs once
clj -M:test:cljs # auto runner
In order to deploy to c3kit you must be a member of the Clojars group com.cleancoders.c3kit
- Go to https://clojars.org/tokens and configure a token with the appropriate scope
- Set the following environment variables
CLOJARS_USERNAME=<your username>
CLOJARS_PASSWORD=<your deploy key>
- Update VERSION file
clj -T:build deploy