To turn a photo into a cartoon image.
For G'MIC 2.9.8 and later, don't use this but use "Filters -> G'MIC-Qt -> Artistic -> Comic Book" (You have to have updated G'MIC filters by "ctrl-R").
Video in German (by Michael), in French (by Miguel Pineau), in English.
You can also use it to make cartoon film.
This plugin is discussed here.
- GIMP 2.8
- G'MIC 1.7.9
- GIMP 2.10
- G'MIC 2.9.7
For GIMP 2.8, copy "" into ~/.gimp-2.8/plug-ins/.
For GIMP 2.10, copy "" into the folder indicated at "Edit->Preferences->Folders->Plug-ins".
For GIMP 2.10 and G'MIC 2.9.8 (or G'MIC 3.1.x), copy "" into the folder indicated at "Edit->Preferences->Folders->Plug-ins".
Warning : Do not forget to allow this file to be exexcuted as a program.
Restart GIMP, the plugin should appear as a menu "Filters->Artistic->Bédé..." or "Filters->Artistic->Simple Cartoon".
On Windows, if the plugin does not work, delete the first line of the file "" ("#!/usr/bin/env python") ("new line" character included).
- If black specks in outcome annoy, try "anti-parasites".
- If double lines in outcome annoy, try "luminosité" in "méthode de désaturation des bords" (and reduce "suppression traits parasites" slightly).
- If aliasing in outcome annoy, try "antialias à chaque applatissement" (and reduce "antialias" strongly).
- If you want computer style line, set "antialias" to 0.
- If you dislike color change, set "augmentation saturation" to 0.
- If some color bleeds onto places around them, try to reduce "aplatissement final".
All sources are public domain: Elephant, Sea lion, Broek in waterland, Routemaster, Giraffe, Goldfish, King bolete, Kitten, Buttercup.
- crop into a square shape,
- reduce to 256 by 256 pixels,
- apply "Bédé" filter with default parameters.
- put them side by side,
- reduce the outcome by 50%.