Remove $value from ctfw_unset_customization() - never used
Update CTFW_Customize_Background_Image_Preset_Control to use new WP "Preset" select
Add abbreviate_month argument to ctfw_event_data() to replace F with M in date_format setting (e.g. Dec instead of December)
Add ctfw-no-loop-multiple class to ctfw_add_body_classes()
Add ctfw_has_loop_multiple() to detect pages looping multiple entries (archives, search, etc.)
Add ctfw_email() helper to output email mailto link using antispambot() and breaking with before @
Add date_format as option for ctfw_post_date()
Fix incompatible widget message in newer versions of WordPress by using ctfw_widget_before_fields instead of JavaScript
Move margin between first widget field and widget field container to container element to accommodate inserting messages
Add actions to widget class for ctfw_widget_before_fields and ctfw_widget_after_fields
Replace preg_replace with str_replace in widget class for faster performance
Add ctfw-widget-template-no-prefix to load template filename without widget area prefix for cleaner filenames
Load widget template for current widget area if exists (e.g. widget-sermons-ctcom-home.php before widget-sermons.php)
Improve accuracy of centering on window resize Google Maps
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