Sign your HTTP requests with requests and validate it in your flask server.
This code is presently functional but needs more tests.
- python 2.7
- Flask 0.12.3
- python-dateutil 2.4.2
- requests 2.20.0
First have some kind of datastore containing your apikey and secret key pairs
secret_keys = {'apikey':'secretkey'}
Then set up your flask endpoint as follows
from hmac_signer import extract_api_key_from_flask_request, validate_flask_request
@app.route("/", methods=['POST'])
def receive():
apikey = extract_api_key_from_flask_request(request)
result = validate_flask_request(request,apikey,secret_keys[apikey])
Result will be True if auth passes.
On the client side use requests like follows to interact with your REST based microservice
from hmac_signer import HmacAuth
data = 'some data'
url = "http://localhost:5000"
response =, data=data, auth=HmacAuth('apikey','secretkey'))
Getting HMAC signing to work with both flask and requests was a bit more painful than expected. Leaving this code here for others. This code is based on the one provided by python-hmac-auth but follows the same HMAC scheme as used by the ruby api-auth gem.
Created by Christopher Bates
Forked from bazaarvoice/python-hmac-auth