I tried to make a C++ ide in emacs in linux(Kubuntu), kind of success.
Note: Its a mess. It was copy pase in the 99% of the cases, but works :D
- ;; Themes
- atom-one-dark-theme ;;
- darkokai-theme
- doom-themes
- ;; dracula-themes
- ;; flucui-themes
- material-theme
- monokai-pro-theme
- monokai-theme
- ;; Packages
- avy
- all-the-icons
- all-the-icons-dired
- all-the-icons-ibuffer
- all-the-icons-ivy-rich
- ;; ccls
- centaur-tabs
- ;; cmake-ide
- cmake-mode
- ;; cmake-project
- company
- company-box
- company-posframe
- company-prescient
- company-quickhelp
- company-quickhelp-terminal
- counsel
- counsel-projectile
- ;; consult
- ;; consult-dir
- ;; consult-flycheck
- ;; consult-lsp
- dashboard
- dashboard-ls
- dap-mode
- default-font-presets
- doom-modeline
- eldoc-box
- ;;eldoc-overlay
- flycheck
- flycheck-inline
- flycheck-posframe
- fzf
- ;; git-gutter ;; Orphan
- ghub
- helm-ag
- helm-icons
- helm-lsp
- helm-ls-git
- helm-projectile
- helm-swoop
- helm-xref
- highlight-indentation
- hl-todo
- hydra
- iedit
- imenu-anywhere
- imenu-list
- indent-guide
- ivy
- ivy-dired-history
- ivy-file-preview
- ivy-prescient
- ivy-rich
- ivy-todo
- ivy-xref
- lsp-ivy
- lsp-mode
- lsp-treemacs
- lsp-ui
- ;; math-preview ;; requires nodejs
- magit
- markdown-preview-mode
- ;; modern-cpp-font-lock
- multiple-cursors
- neotree
- org-bullets
- org-elp
- org-roam
- page-break-lines
- projectile
- quick-peek
- selectrum
- selectrum-prescient
- smartparens
- swiper
- treemacs
- treemacs-all-the-icons
- treemacs-magit
- use-package
- which-key
- yasnippet