vagrant-sil contains Vagrant configuration for accessing pre-configured virtual machines for testing graphical software on different Linux distributions. Most uses of Vagrant are normally for server-based applications and are run headless and have minimal number of packages installed. However, for testing Linux desktop software, you want to have a typical desktop user setup. So these images are quite a bit larger that standard pre-configured Vagrant images.
Install the following required software components:
vagrant -- need 1.6.3+
virtualbox -- need 4.3.18+
- Windows: make sure path to
is accessible from the command-line
- Windows: make sure path to
At a command-line install vagrant-vbguest plugin
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
At a command-line install vagrant-cachier plugin (optional)
vagrant plugin install vagrant-cachier
- Clone this repo
- At a command-line in the directory for this repo, use the vagrant command to start, halt, shutdown, or destroy
- Examples:
- list:
vagrant status
- start:
vagrant up <name>
- halt:
vagrant halt <name>
- shutdown:
vagrant shutdown <name>
- delete:
vagrant destroy -f <name>
- list:
Each of the machines have been setup using the documentation for a base box which means:
- update base packages
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
- install GuestAdditions and reboot
- run the following scripts to configure (followed by list of changes)
wget -P Documents/ wget{compact,packages,settings,vagrant}.sh
sudo bash Documents/
sudo bash Documents/
bash Documents/
sudo bash Documents/
use vagrant insecure keypair
password-less sudo
apt is pre-configured to include main and experimental SIL package repositories
default package installation and uninstallation for testing environment
Minor changes have been made to simplify testing:
- Turn screen off when inactive: Never
- Lock: Off
- Change default Profile Colors for terminal (makes it easier to distinguish from host terminal windows)
- Adding default environment variables to disable usage tracking while testing
- Show menus for windows in the Window's title bar
- .bashrc change to include git bash prompt
- Disable Online Searches from Dash
Unique background image per machine (to easily distinguish the version)