macOS alpha, Linux builds officially fixed
- Adaptions are now compiled (bundled) into the binary, so they will work if Python is detected without any path hassle. Added a button that allows to create a new adaption by copying the compiled (bundled) adaption out into the adaption directory. Also allowed to change the adaption directory to a place of the users liking.
- Fixed the Import Edit Buffer of the RefaceDX - this was actually not implemented properly, as the RefaceDX replies with multiple MIDI messages on a dump request. The good news is that it actually supports access to the edit buffer!
- Added a scaling menu to allow for a bit of up and down scaling depending on the screen resolution and the monitor size. This is mainly used for downscaling on a retina Macbook Pro, which tries to start with 2x size leaving not much room for the window content.
- Added an Icon! Many thanks to W07 from the sequential forum for providing one!