- Description
- Setup - The basics of getting started with al_letsencrypt
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
- Development - Guide for contributing to the module
- Support
This module creates, fetches and re-requests letsencrypt certificates via puppet. It will use the docroot directive so your setup will not have any kind of downtime.
This comes with one downside: If your Document Root /docroot /webroot for example.com resides at /var/www/vhosts/exmaple.com/ and for tree.com at /var/www/vhosts/tree.com/ you're all good.
If you use any other setup you might override this via hiera fact.
This module also..
- generates DH params (/etc/letsencrypt/dh/$domain.dh)
- generates nagios service checks (unless disabled)
- manages Zimbra Servers (set zimbra flag)
This Module is tested with any RedHat family OS. So RedHat, CloudLinux, CentOS et all will work out of the box. Adapting to Debian at the likes is trivial and will be implemented in a later release.
To get this module up and running simply clone it and place it in your module folder. Once you did that, load the "al_letsencrypt" class by whatever means you employ (hiera, manifests, classes, nodes.pp).
Load this module (by example via hiera):
- 'al_letsencrypt'
If you want to supply your email (highly recommended), do so:
al_letsencrypt::email: '[email protected]'
If you deviate from the vhost directory setup above, you can specify one single directory where all acme authentications take place. This is my personal favorite with nginx, just add these line:
al_letsencrypt::docroot_override: '/var/www/vhosts/yourmaindir'
and add this to your nginx http (not https) catchall vhost:
location '/.well-known/acme-challenge' {
default_type "text/plain";
root /var/www/vhosts/yourmaindir;
this will catch all (ALL!) acme authentications for any domain served by nginx and redirect that into /var/www/vhosts/yourmaindir. So you can even get those certificate for nginx proxy vhosts that have no own docroots.
If the server in question is a Zimbra server, enable Zimbra management:
al_letsencrypt::zimbra: true
Currently WIP: Acting on renewed certificates.
Lastly, give the class an array of domains to create:
- 'example.com'
- 'seconddomain.com'
If you do not want nagions service checks (monitoring) to be created, disable letsencrypt-monitoring via this line:
al_letsencrypt::monitoring: false
On the next puppet run
- your certificates will be created
- Diffe-Helmann parameters will be generated
- Cron job for renewal will be set up
- Monitoring Objects will be exported.
- Currently only RedHat OS Family is supported.
- Docroot needs to follow standard guidlines or be overriden.
Any pull requests via github are welcomed.
I hope this helps. If you need support, contact me via
The issues tab in Github should only be used for... issues.
Enjoy the module! -Christian Reiss.