This is an update to the git branch found at This simply takes the same basic layout and updates the platform into 14.04, I have also left support for travis as while I do not use this service at present I feel its a good idea and someone else my wish to use it for their own fork / project.
I do like having the choice in versions, also many of the plugins can be very picky about how they work and what version of the OS and MC they will run with. It is always good run your tests as close to your production eviroment you can get and so far its been a fun learning project.
More updates later with forge and spigot configured out of the box.
I will also make some other OS versions with MC.
Planned versions are current versions of MC (1.8) along with current version of spigot & forge. MC version 1.7 with current forge and recommend build for those versions.
Also I will have a configuration script that will change the config options for the defaults minecraft will run on that can be used to change the defaults before the frist run.