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xxxTileHarmonizeAxes() for special trace types xxx

chrisadolph edited this page Jan 29, 2012 · 1 revision

Where is it that you write the functions that you solve when you paste them together here (tileHarmonizeAxes, line 339):

   tc <- eval(call(paste(ugraph[igraph],"TileHarmonize",sep=""),tc,i))

I can't seem to find it in the previous functions which tile calls.

If I understand your question correctly, you're asking where to find functions like ropeladderTileHarmonize?

Basically, some traces make the plotting area a bit "weird". Ropeladders cause the plot to have labels on one side, so to harmonize the plotting areas of different plots, there needs to be a special function called if one of the traces is a ropeladder. (It's been about 3 years since I touched this part of the code, I think, so I may be fuzzy on the details). This may come up in new traces we create, so the functionality is generic, and to use it---that is, insert specific lines into harmonizeAxes to deal with a special problem associated with a trace---all you need to do is make xxxTileHarmonize, for trace type xxx, and this line of code will call it.