The puppetca agent lets you sign, list, revoke, clean and determine the status of certificates on your Puppet Certificate Authorities
This agent provides the following actions, for details about each please run mco plugin doc agent/puppetca
- clean - Performs a puppetca --clean on a certficate
- list - Lists all requested and signed certificates
- revoke - Revokes a certificate by doing the same as clean
- sign - Signs a certificate request
- status - Find a certificate's status
Add the agent and client:
- mcollective_agent_puppetca
You can configure the path to the Puppet Cert command via Hiera:
puppetca: /bin/puppet cert
The default path is /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet cert
% mco rpc puppetca list
Discovering hosts using the mc method for 2 second(s) .... 1
* [ ============================================================> ] 1 / 1
Waiting CSRs: ["", ""]
Signed: ["", ""]
Finished processing 1 / 1 hosts in 67.85 ms
% mco rpc puppetca sign
Discovering hosts using the mc method for 2 second(s) .... 1
* [ ============================================================> ] 1 / 1 Unknown Request Status
Already have a certificate for Not attempting to sign again
Finished processing 1 / 1 hosts in 48.25 ms
% mco rpc puppetca revoke
Discovering hosts using the mc method for 2 second(s) .... 1
* [ ============================================================> ] 1 / 1
Result: Notice: Revoked certificate with serial 35
Notice: Removing file Puppet::SSL::Certificate at '/var/lib/puppet/ssl/ca/signed/'
Notice: Removing file Puppet::SSL::Certificate at '/var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/'
Notice: Removing file Puppet::SSL::CertificateRequest at '/var/lib/puppet/ssl/certificate_requests/'
Notice: Removing file Puppet::SSL::Key at '/var/lib/puppet/ssl/private_keys/'
Finished processing 1 / 1 hosts in 1882.27 ms
% mco rpc puppetca status
Discovering hosts using the mc method for 2 second(s) .... 1
* [ ============================================================> ] 1 / 1
Result: awaiting signature
Finished processing 1 / 1 hosts in 56.76 ms
The Puppetca agent also supplies a data plugin which uses the Puppetca agent to check the current status of a certificate. The data plugin will return 'signed', 'waiting' and 'missing', and can be used during discovery or any other place where the MCollective discovery langauge is used.
In this example we lookup all nodes that have a cert "" in a waiting state.
% mco find -S "puppetca('').status=waiting"