A simple PHP 8 websocket server and client wrapper over Workerman with events, channels and other stuff, can say this is a Socket IO alternative for PHP.
Latest version 1.2 is production ready, maintenance only small features, fix bugs and has no breaking changes updates.
- Install Porter via Composer:
composer require chipslays/porter
- Put javascript code in views:
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/chipslays/porter@latest/dist/porter.min.js"></script>
- All done.
Laravel integration can be found here.
Simplest ping-pong server.
use Porter\Events\Event;
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
server()->on('ping', function (Event $event) {
Run server.
php server.php start
Or run server in background as daemon process.
php server.php start -d
List of all available commands
php server.php start
php server.php start -d
php server.php status
php server.php status -d
php server.php connections
php server.php stop
php server.php stop -g
php server.php restart
php server.php reload
php server.php reload -g
Send ping
event on established connection.
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/chipslays/porter@latest/dist/porter.min.js"></script>
const client = new Porter(`ws://${location.hostname}:3737`);
client.connected = () => {
client.on('pong', payload => {
Examples can be found here.
NOTE: The documentation may not contain the latest updates or may be out of date in places. See examples, code and comments on methods. The code is well documented.
use Workerman\Worker;
$worker = new Worker('websocket://');
use Workerman\Worker;
$context = [
// More see http://php.net/manual/en/context.ssl.php
'ssl' => [
'local_cert' => '/path/to/cert.pem',
'local_pk' => '/path/to/privkey.pem',
'verify_peer' => false,
// 'allow_self_signed' => true,
$worker = new Worker('websocket://', $context);
$worker->transport = 'ssl';
Can be used anywhere as function server()
or Server::getInstance()
use Porter\Server;
$server = Server::getInstance();
Booting websocket server. It method init all needle classes inside.
Use this method instead of constructor.
$server = Server::getInstance();
// by helper function
Set worker instance.
use Workerman\Worker;
$worker = new Worker('websocket://');
server()->boot($worker); // booting server
$worker = new Worker('websocket://');
$worker->... // configure new worker
// change worker in already booted server
Set worker instance.
use Workerman\Worker;
$worker = new Worker('websocket://');
Get worker instance.
Add event class handler.
use Porter\Server;
use Porter\Payload;
use Porter\Connection;
use Porter\Events\AbstractEvent;
class Ping extends AbstractEvent
public static string $id = 'ping';
public function handle(Connection $connection, Payload $payload, Server $server): void
Autoload all events inside passed path.
Note: Use it instead manual add events by
server()->autoloadEvents(__DIR__ . '/Events');
Event $event
class extends and have all methods & properties ofAbstractEvent
$server->on('ping', function (Event $event) {
Start server.
Emitted when a socket connection is successfully established.
In this method available vars:
use Porter\Terminal;
use Porter\Connection;
server()->onConnected(function (Connection $connection, string $header) {
Terminal::print('{text:darkGreen}Connected: ' . $connection->getRemoteAddress());
// Here also available vars: $_GET, $_COOKIE, $_SERVER.
Terminal::print("Query from client: {text:darkYellow}foo={$_GET['foo']}");
Emitted when the other end of the socket sends a FIN packet.
NOTICE: On disconnect client connection will leave of all the channels where he was.
use Porter\Terminal;
use Porter\Connection;
server()->onDisconnected(function (Connection $connection) {
Terminal::print('{text:darkGreen}Connected: ' . $connection->getRemoteAddress());
Emitted when an error occurs with connection.
use Porter\Terminal;
use Porter\Connection;
server()->onError(function (Connection $connection, $code, $message) {
Terminal::print("{bg:red}{text:white}Error {$code} {$message}");
Emitted when worker processes start.
use Porter\Terminal;
use Workerman\Worker;
server()->onStart(function (Worker $worker) {
Emitted when worker processes stoped.
use Porter\Terminal;
use Workerman\Worker;
server()->onStop(function (Worker $worker) {
Emitted when worker processes get reload signal.
use Porter\Terminal;
use Workerman\Worker;
server()->onReload(function (Worker $worker) {
Handle non event messages (raw data).
server()->onRaw(function (string $payload, Connection $connection) {
if ($payload == 'ping') {
Send event to connection.
server()->to($connection, 'ping');
Send event to all connections.
Yes, to all connections on server.
server()->broadcast('chat message', [
'nickname' => 'John Doe',
'message' => 'Hello World!',
Getter for Storage class.
server()->storage()->put('foo', 'bar');
$storage = server()->storage();
// can also be a get as propperty
server()->storage()->put('foo', 'bar');
$storage = server()->storage;
Getter for Channels class.
server()->channels()->create('secret channel');
$channels = server()->channels();
$channels->get('secret channel');
Get connection instance by id.
$connection = server()->connection(1);
server()->to($connection, 'welcome message', [
'text' => 'Hello world!'
// also can get like
$connection = server()->getWorker()->connections[1337] ?? null;
Get collection of all connections on server.
$connections = server()->connections();
server()->broadcast('update users count', ['count' => $connections->count()]);
// also can get like
$connections = server()->getWorker()->connections;
Create validator instance.
See documenation & examples how to use.
$v = server()->validator();
if ($v->email()->validate('[email protected]')) {
// available as helper
if (validator()->contains('example.com')->validate('[email protected]')) {
This is a convenient division of connected connections into channels.
One connection can consist of an unlimited number of channels.
Channels also support broadcasting and their own storage.
Channel can be access like:
// by method
// by property
Create new channel.
$channel = server()->channels()->create('secret channel', [
'foo' => 'bar',
$channel->join($connection)->broadcast('welcome message', [
'foo' => $channel->data->get('foo'),
Get a channel.
if channel not exists.
$channel = server()->channels()->get('secret channel');
Get array of channels (Channel
foreach (server()->channels()->all() as $id => $channel) {
echo $channel->connections()->count() . ' connection(s) in channel: ' . $id . PHP_EOL;
Get count of channels.
$count = server()->channels()->count();
echo "Total channels: {$count}";
Delete channel.
server()->channels()->delete('secret channel');
Checks if given channel id exists already.
$channelId = 'secret channel';
if (!server()->channels()->exists($channelId)) {
Join or create and join to channel.
server()->channels()->join([$connection1, $connection2, $connection3, ...]);
Join given connections to channel.
$channel = server()->channel('secret channel');
$channel->join([$connection1, $connection2, $connection3, ...]);
Remove given connection from channel.
$channel = server()->channel('secret channel');
Checks if given connection exists in channel.
$channel = server()->channel('secret channel');
A array of connections in this channel. Key is a id
of connection, and value is a instance of connection Connection
$channel = server()->channel('secret channel');
foreach($channel->connections()->all()) as $connection) {
$connection->lastMessageAt = time();
$channel = server()->channel('secret channel');
$connection = $channel->connections()->get([1337]); // get connection with 1337 id
Send an event to all connection on this channel.
TcpConnection[]|Connection[]|int[] $excepts
Connection instance or connection id.
$channel = server()->channel('secret channel');
$channel->broadcast('welcome message', [
'text' => 'Hello world',
For example, you need to send to all participants in the room except yourself, or other connections.
$channel->broadcast('welcome message', [
'text' => 'Hello world',
], [$connection]);
$channel->broadcast('welcome message', [
'text' => 'Hello world',
], [$connection1, $connection2, ...]);
Delete this channel from channels.
$channel = server()->channel('secret channel');
// now if use $channel, you get an error
You can add channel to current user as property to $connection
instance and get it anywhere.
$channel = channel('secret channel');
$connection->channel = &$channel;
Data is a simple implement of box for storage your data.
Data is a object of powerful chipslays/collection.
See documentation for more information how to manipulate this data.
NOTICE: All this data will be deleted when the server is restarted.
Two of simple-short examples:
$channel->data->get('foo', 'default value');
$channel->data->has('foo', 'default value');
$channel->data['foo'] ?? 'default value';
// see more examples here: https://github.com/chipslays/collection
The payload is the object that came from the client.
Get value from data.
$payload->get('foo', 'default value');
// can also use like:
$payload->data->get('foo', 'default value');
$payload->data['foo'] ?? 'default value';
Validate payload data.
See documenation & examples how to use.
$payload->is('StringType', 'username'); // return true if username is string
$payload->is(['contains', 'john'], 'username'); // return true if $payload->data['username'] contains 'john'
Is a id of event, for example, welcome message
$payload->type; // string
An object of values passed from the client.
Object of chipslays/collection.
See documentation for more information how to manipulate this data.
$payload->data; // Collection
$payload->data->get('foo', 'default value');
$payload->data->has('foo', 'default value');
$payload->data['foo'] ?? 'default value';
// see more examples here: https://github.com/chipslays/collection
Auto validate payload data on incoming event.
Available only in events as class
use Porter\Server;
use Porter\Payload;
use Porter\Connection;
use Porter\Events\AbstractEvent;
return new class extends AbstractEvent
public static string $type = 'hello to';
protected array $rules = [
'username' => ['stringType', ['length', [3, 18]]],
public function handle(Connection $connection, Payload $payload, Server $server): void
if (!$this->validate()) {
$this->reply('bad request', ['errors' => $this->errors]);
$username = $this->payload->data['username'];
$this->reply(data: ['message' => "Hello, {$username}!"]);
Events can be as a separate class or as an anonymous function.
Basic ping-pong example:
use Porter\Server;
use Porter\Payload;
use Porter\Events\AbstractEvent;
use Porter\Connection;
class Ping extends AbstractEvent
public static string $type = 'ping';
public function handle(Connection $connection, Payload $payload, Server $server): void
// and next you need add (register) this class to events:
NOTICE: The event class must have a
method.This method handles the event. You can also create other methods.
Each child class get following properties:
Connection $connection
- from whom the event came;Payload $payload
- contain data from client;Server $server
- server instance;Collection $data
- short cut for payload data (as &link).;
If client pass in data channel_i_d
with channel id or target_id
with id of connection, we got a magic properties and methods.
// this is a object of Channel, getted by `channel_id` from client.
$this->channel()->broadcast('new message', [
'text' => $this->payload->get('text'),
'from' => $this->connection->nickname,
// this is a object of Channel, getted by `target_id` from client.
$this->to($this->target, 'new message', [
'text' => $this->payload->get('text'),
'from' => $this->connection->nickname,
Send event to connection.
$this->to($connection, 'ping');
Reply event to incoming connection.
// analog for:
$this->to($this->connection, 'ping');
To reply with the current type
, pass only the $data
On front-end:
client.send('hello to', {username: 'John Doe'}, payload => {
console.log(payload.data.message); // Hello, John Doe!
On back-end:
$username = $this->payload->data['username'];
$this->reply(data: ['message' => "Hello, {$username}!"]);
Send raw data to connection. Not a event object.
// now client will receive just a 'ping', not event object.
Send event to all connections.
Yes, to all connections on server.
$this->broadcast('chat message', [
'nickname' => 'John Doe',
'message' => 'Hello World!',
Send event to all except for the connection from which the event came.
$this->broadcast('user join', [
'text' => 'New user joined to chat.',
], [$this->connection]);
Validate payload data.
Pass custom rules. Default use $rules class attribute.
Returns false
if has errors.
if (!$this->validate()) {
return $this->reply(/** ... */);
Returns true
if has errors on validate payload data.
if ($this->hasErrors()) {
return $this->reply('bad request', ['errors' => $this->errors]);
// $this->errors contains:
^ array:1 [
"username" => array:1 [
"length" => "username failed validation: length"
Yet another short cut for payload data.
public function handle(Connection $connection, Payload $payload, Server $server)
// as property
// form payload instance
In anonymous function instead of $this
, use $event
use Porter\Events\Event;
server()->on('new message', function (Event $event) {
// $event has all the same property && methods as in the example above
$event->to($event->target, 'new message', [
'text' => $this->payload->get('text'),
'from' => $this->connection->nickname,
$event->channel()->broadcast('new message', [
'text' => $this->payload->get('text'),
'from' => $this->connection->nickname,
It is a global object, changing in one place, it will contain the changed data in another place.
This object has already predefined properties:
See all $connection
methods here.
You can set different properties, functions to this object.
$connection->firstName = 'John';
$connection->lastName = 'Doe';
$connection->getFullName = fn () => $connection->firstName . ' ' . $connection->lastName;
call_user_func($connection->getFullname); // John Doe
$connection->channels; // object of Porter\Connection\Channels
* Get connection channels.
* @return Channel[]
public function all(): array
* Get channels count.
* @return int
public function count(): int
* Method for when connection join to channel should detach channel id from connection.
* @param string $channelId
* @return void
public function delete(string $channelId): void
* Leave all channels for this connection.
* @return void
public function leaveAll(): void
NOTICE: On disconnect client connection will leave of all the channels where he was.
* When connection join to channel should attach channel id to connection.
* You don't need to use this method, it will automatically fire inside the class.
* @param string $channelId
* @return void
public function add(string $channelId): void
Simple implementation of client.
See basic example of client here.
Create client.
$client = new Client('ws://localhost:3737');
$client = new Client('wss://example.com:3737');
Set worker.
NOTICE: Worker instance auto init in constructor. Use this method if you need to define worker with specific settings.
Get worker.
Send event to server.
$client->on('ping', function (AsyncTcpConnection $connection, Payload $payload, Client $client) {
$client->send('pong', ['time' => time()]);
Send raw payload to server.
$client->raw('simple message');
Emitted when a socket connection is successfully established.
$client->onConnected(function (AsynTcpConnection $connection) {
Emitted when the server sends a FIN packet.
$client->onDisconnected(function (AsynTcpConnection $connection) {
Emitted when an error occurs with connection.
$client->onError(function (AsyncTcpConnection $connection, $code, $message) {
Handle non event messages (raw data).
$client->onRaw(function (string $payload, AsyncTcpConnection $connection) {
if ($payload == 'ping') {
Event handler as callable.
$client->on('pong', function (AsyncTcpConnection $connection, Payload $payload, Client $client) {
Connect to server and listen.
Storage is a part of server, all data stored in flat files.
To get started you need set a path where files will be stored.
server()->storage()->load(__DIR__ . '/server-storage.data'); // you can use any filename
You can get access to storage like property or method:
NOTICE: Set path only after if you booting server by (
can use anywhere and before booting server.
WARNING: If you not provide path or an incorrect path, data will be stored in RAM. After server restart you lose your data.
// as standalone use without server
$store1 = new Porter\Storage(__DIR__ . '/path/to/file1');
$store2 = new Porter\Storage(__DIR__ . '/path/to/file2');
$store3 = new Porter\Storage(__DIR__ . '/path/to/file3');
server()->storage()->load(__DIR__ . '/path/to/file'); // you can use any filename
server()->storage()->put('foo', 'bar');
server()->storage()->get('foo', 'default value'); // foo
server()->storage()->get('baz', 'default value'); // default value
server()->storage()->remove('foo'); // true
server()->storage()->has('foo'); // true
server()->storage()->has('baz'); // false
Returns path to file.
// will be like:
use Porter\Server;
// will be like:
use Porter\Server;
$channel = channel('secret channel'); // get channel instance
$channel = server()->channel('secret channel');
$channel = server()->channels()->get('secret channel');
π‘ See all helpers here.
You can extend the class and map your own methods on the fly..
Basic method:
server()->map('sum', fn(...$args) => array_sum($args));
echo server()->sum(1000, 300, 30, 5, 2); // 1337
echo server()->sum(1000, 300, 30, 5, 3); // 1338
As singletone method:
server()->mapOnce('timestamp', fn() => time());
echo server()->timestamp(); // e.g. 1234567890
echo server()->timestamp(); // e.g. 1234567890
There is also a small class for working with websockets on the client side.
if (location.hostname == '' || location.hostname == 'localhost') {
const ws = new WebSocket(`ws://${location.hostname}:3737`); // on local dev
} else {
const ws = new WebSocket(`wss://${location.hostname}:3737`); // on vps with ssl certificate
// options (optional, below default values)
let options = {
pingInterval: 30000, // 30 sec.
maxBodySize: 1e+6, // 1 mb.
const client = new Porter(ws, options);
// on client connected to server
client.connected = () => {
// code...
// on client disconected from server
client.disconnected = () => {
// code...
// on error
client.error = () => {
// code...
// on raw `pong` event (if you needed it)
client.pong = () => {
// code...
// close connection
// event handler
client.on('ping', payload => {
// available properties
console.log(payload.data.foo) // bar
// send event to server
client.send('pong', {
foo: 'bar',
// chain methods
client.send('ping').on('pong', payload => console.log(payload.type));
// send event and handle answer in one method
client.send('get online users', {/* ... */}, payload => {
console.log(payload.type); // contains same event type 'get online users'
console.log(payload.data.online); // and server answer e.g. '1337 users'
// pass channel_id and target_id for magic properties on back-end server
client.send('magical properties example', {
channel_id: 'secret channel',
target_id: 1337,
// on backend php websocket server we can use $this->channel and $this->target magical properties.
// send raw websocket data
client.raw.send('hello world');
// send raw websocket data as json
foo: 'bar',
// handle raw websocket data from server
client.raw.on('hello from server', data => {
console.log(data); // hello from server
// dont forget start listen websocket server!
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