This repository includes some useful and popular functions often used in image processing
1-RGB to Gray conversion: Averaging method, Lightness method, Luminosity method
2-RGB to CMY conversion CMY channel separation
3-Resizing images by Bilinear Interpolation
4-Histogram Equalization: Cumulative distribution function method, Bucket fill algorithm
5-Creating Oil painting effect: Quantizing colour values, Implementing mode filter
6-Creating special film effects
7-Image denoising: Removing gaussian noise, Reomving salt & pepper noise
8-Image warping From a square image to a circular disc
9-Creating panorama- image stitching
10-Dithering: Fixed thresholding, Random thresholding, Bayer matrices, Floyd Steinberg serpentine error diffusion, JJN error diffusion, Stucki error diffusion, Separable colour error diffusion, MBVQ colour diffusion method
11-Morphological processing Shrinking, Thinning, Skeletonizing 12-Texture classification using Laws filters and k means clustering
13-Texture Segmentation: Using 3x3 Laws filters and k means clustering Using 5x5 Laws filters and PCA with k means clustering
14-Edge Detection: Using Sobel filter Using Laplacian of Gaussian
15- OpenCV codes: Keypoint Detection and Extraction using SIFT and SURF Image Matching using SIFT and SURF features Bag of words
Miscellaneous- Counting objects and sizes using morphological processing, Identifying unique types of jigsaw pieces in an image