Tool for Chef 15 upgrade and Effortless migration
Version: Count
nil: {"nil"=>41, "redhat_7.2"=>5}
12.13.37: {"windows_6.3.9600"=>2, "redhat_7.2"=>2}
12.19.36: {"windows_6.3.9600"=>85, "redhat_7.2"=>42, "redhat_6.10"=>4, "redhat_6.8"=>2}
12.21.12: {"windows_6.3.9600"=>1}
12.21.14: {"windows_6.3.9600"=>2}
12.21.3: {"windows_6.3.9600"=>4, "windows_10.0.14393"=>2}
12.21.4: {"windows_6.3.9600"=>2, "redhat_7.3"=>2}
12.22.1: {"windows_6.3.9600"=>2}
12.22.5: {"windows_6.3.9600"=>1}
12.8.1: {"redhat_7.2"=>2}
14.0.183: {"windows_10.0.14393"=>1}
14.10.9: {"redhat_7.6"=>3}
14.11.21: {"windows_10.0.14393"=>66, "redhat_7.6"=>27}
14.12.3: {"redhat_7.6"=>1}
14.12.9: {"redhat_7.5"=>31, "windows_10.0.14393"=>53, "redhat_7.6"=>4}
14.13.11: {"windows_10.0.14393"=>45, "redhat_7.5"=>1}
14.2.0: {"redhat_7.5"=>223, "windows_10.0.14393"=>446, "windows_6.3.9600"=>70, "redhat_7.6"=>2}
14.4.56: {"windows_10.0.14393"=>194, "redhat_7.5"=>8, "redhat_7.6"=>8}
14.5.27: {"redhat_7.2"=>2}
14.5.33: {"redhat_7.6"=>28, "redhat_7.5"=>16}
- Fetch all nodes from server
- Create a list of unique run lists
- If any of those run_list combos have a node on the server running Chef 15+ then skip it since we know it works on a modern Infra Client
- For each run list combination download all the cookbooks in that run list from the server into unique directories on the local host
- Run cookstyle / foodcritic against those directories alerting on just the deprecation rules. Create a report of code changes that will need to be made per run list combination
Feature | Chef Infra | Effortless |
chef-client upgrade | Chef Client Updater Cookbook | chef/chef-client Hab Package |
Organizations | Chef Server Orgs | Habitat Origins |
Environments | Chef Environments | Habitat Channels |
Roles | stored in *.json , hosted in Chef Infra Server |
*see "Role Cookbooks" |
Role Cookbooks | Role Cookbook Model | Roles and Role Cookbooks will migrate to a Habitat Channel for each unique endpoint |
Data Bags | stored in *.json , hosted in Chef Infra Server |
Environment-level Attributes | stored in *.json , hosted in Chef Infra Server |
Environment Conditionals | case node.chef_environment |
Knife Commands | ||
ssh |
no equivalent + not recommended | |
search |
Visibility in Automate | |
node |
Visibility in Automate | |
vault |
we recommend using an application specifically focused on secrets management | |
Application Orchestration | combination of bespoke pipelines, knife commands, and other methods to get Chef Infra to converge changes in a specific progression |
built-in binding (service contracts), combined with service groups and supervisor rings allow for application lifecycle changes in a controlled, well defined and standardized manner |