Virtualised local server using Vagrant, Ubuntu 12.04, and Vesta Control Panel. All are open source and free.
- using the minimum and lightweight provisioner: shell provisioner
- using the most commonly used provider: virtualbox
- using the most famous and stable box/os: Ubuntu 12.04 x64
- Web Server
- DNS Server
- Database Server
- Mail Server
- FTP Server
- Nginx out of the box
- SSL certificates & SNI
- Wildcard support
- Configuration Templates
- DKIM support
- Fast Backups
- System Monitoring
- AntiSpam / Antivirus
- WHMCS billing support
- EPEL integration
- Simple and Clean GUI
- Powerful CLI
- Reliable Platform
- Open Data Format
- GPL v3 License
- Multilingual User Interface
- Vagrant
- Virtualbox
- (optional) git, to clone the project via command line interface (cli)
Clone the project
git clone [email protected]:timothyescopete/localserver.git
Go to the cloned project
cd localserver
Create the virtual server
vagrant up
Private Network IP Address :private_network, ip: ""
Allocated RAM
config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb|
vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--memory", "1024"]
- include in the process, the installation of ZSH shell and Oh My ZSH
- independent Vesta installer
- auto symlink respective public_html directory into the vagrant synced directory for easy access from host machine, each time a website is added by any user created
- check for ruby installation, and if there is none, install ruby, gems and compass
- the git master branch is for local deploy, to deploy to digital ocean, I will add digitalocean branch
- deployment to AWS, and other services may be possible in the future
Support is limited to the installation process only, and errors it may produce.
All used in this project are open source, and free. Automated by Timothy E.