This repository provides experimental binary wheels for open-source extension packages for Python for Windows on ARM64.
The files are experimental (meaning: unofficial, informal, unrecognized, unsupported, no warranty, no liability, provided "as is") and made available for testing and evaluation purposes. They are not intended for production use.
Most binaries are built from source code found in the Python Package Index or the projects' public code repositories.
Refer to the documentation of the individual packages and libraries for license restrictions and dependencies.
The wheels can be downloaded from the Releases page.
- 187 packages for Python 3.12
- Updates for v2024.6.15
- Scipy build is unstable
Binary wheels for the following packages for Python 3.12 are included in the release:
- aggdraw 1.3.19
- aiohttp 3.10.10
- apsw
- astropy 6.1.4
- asv 0.6.4
- atom 0.11.0
- basemap 1.4.1
- bcrypt 4.2.0
- biopython 1.84
- bitarray 2.9.3
- bitshuffle 0.5.2
- blosc2 2.7.1
- blosc 1.11.2
- boost_histogram 1.5.0
- Bottleneck 1.4.2
- bsdiff4 1.2.5
- BTrees 6.1
- cairocffi 1.7.1
- Cartopy 0.24.1
- celiagg 2.1.6
- centrosome 1.2.3
- cf_units 3.3.0
- cffi 1.17.1
- cftime 1.6.4.post1
- contourpy 1.3.0
- coverage 7.6.4
- cx_Logging 3.2.1
- cytoolz 1.0.0
- debugpy 1.8.7
- discretize 0.11.0
- dtaidistance 2.3.12
- dulwich 0.22.4
- enaml 0.18.0
- ephem 4.1.6
- ewah_bool_utils 1.2.2
- fabio 2024.9.0
- fast_histogram 0.14
- fastremap 1.15.0
- fasttext 0.9.3
- fiona 1.10.1
- fisx 1.3.2
- fonttools 4.54.1
- fpzip 1.2.4
- freetype_py 2.5.1
- frozendict 2.4.6
- frozenlist 1.5.0
- GDAL 3.9.3
- gevent 24.10.3
- glcontext 3.0.0
- Glymur 0.13.6
- google_crc32c 1.6.0
- greenlet 3.1.1
- h5py 3.12.1
- hdbscan 0.8.39
- hmmlearn 0.3.3
- imagecodecs 2024.9.22
- imread 0.7.6
- intbitset 4.0.0
- JCC 3.15
- jellyfish 1.1.0
- jsonobject 2.2.0
- kiwisolver 1.4.7
- lfdfiles 2024.9.15
- lightgbm 4.5.0
- lmdb 1.5.1
- Logbook 1.8.0
- lxml 5.3.0
- mahotas 1.4.18
- marisa_trie 1.2.1
- MarkupSafe 3.0.2
- matplotlib 3.9.2
- maturin 1.7.4
- mercurial 6.8.2
- ml_dtypes 0.5.0
- moderngl 5.12.0
- mplcairo 0.6
- msgpack 1.1.0
- multidict 6.1.0
- ndindex 1.9.2
- netCDF4 1.7.2
- nh3 0.2.18
- numcodecs 0.13.1
- numexpr 2.10.1
- numpy 2.1.3
- numpy_quaternion 2024.0.3
- OpenEXR 3.3.1
- OpenImageIO
- openTSNE 1.0.2
- optree 0.13.0
- orjson 3.10.11
- osqp 0.6.7.post1
- pandas 2.2.3
- PartSegCore_compiled_backend 0.15.7
- pcodec 0.3.0
- peewee 3.17.7
- persistent 6.1
- phasorpy 0.1
- pillow 11.0.0
- pillow_avif_plugin 1.4.6
- polars 1.12.0
- protobuf 5.28.3
- psd_tools 1.10.2
- psutil 6.1.0
- psycopg2 2.9.10
- ptufile 2024.10.10
- pyamg 5.2.1
- pycairo 1.27.0
- pycrdt 0.10.6
- pydantic_core 2.25.1
- pygame 2.6.1
- pygeos 0.14.0
- pygit2 1.16.0
- PyICU 2.14
- pylibCZIrw 4.1.3
- pylibjpeg_openjpeg 2.4.0
- pymatgen 2024.10.29
- PyMCubes 0.1.6
- pymmcore
- pymol 3.1.0a0
- pymol_launcher 3.0
- pymongo 4.10.1
- pymssql 2.3.1
- pyodbc 5.2.0
- pyogrio 0.10.0
- pyopencl 2024.3
- PyOpenGL 3.1.8
- PyOpenGL_accelerate 3.1.8
- pypmc 1.2.4
- pyproj 3.7.0
- pyreadstat 1.2.8
- pystackreg 0.2.8
- pytensor 2.25.5
- python_box 7.2.0
- python_curses 2.2.3
- python_rapidjson 1.20
- PyTurboJPEG 1.7.7
- pywavelets 1.7.0
- pywin32 308
- pywinpty 2.0.14
- PyYAML 6.0.2
- pyzmq 26.2.0
- pyzstd 0.16.2
- qdldl 0.1.7.post4
- qutip 5.0.4
- rapidfuzz 3.10.0
- rasterio 1.4.2
- recordclass 0.22.1
- regex 2024.9.11
- rosettasciio 0.6
- rpds_py 0.20.1
- Rtree 1.3.0
- ruamel.yaml.clib 0.2.12
- scalene 1.5.46
- scikit_image 0.24.0
- scikit_learn 1.5.2
- scipy 1.14.1
- scs 3.2.7
- sfepy 2024.3
- shapely 2.0.6
- simplejson 3.19.3
- sounddevice 0.5.1
- soundfile 0.12.1
- SQLAlchemy 2.0.36
- statsmodels 0.14.4
- TA_Lib 0.4.32
- tables 3.10.1
- thrift 0.21.0
- thriftpy2 0.5.2
- tokenizers 0.20.1
- treelite 4.3.0
- ujson 5.10.0
- vispy 0.14.3
- wavpack_numcodecs 0.2.1
- wrapt 1.16.0
- xgboost 2.1.2
- xxhash 3.5.0
- yarl 1.17.1
- zfpy 1.0.0
- zodbpickle 4.1.1
- zope.interface 7.1.1
- zope.proxy 6.1
- zopflipy 1.11
- zstandard 0.23.0
- zstd
The wheels include the following statically or dynamically linked libraries:
- abseil-cpp 20240722.0
- aom 3.10.0
- BerkeleyDB 5.3.28
- boost 1.85.0
- brotli 1.1.0
- brunsli 0.1
- bzip2 1.0.8
- c-ares 1.34.2
- c-blosc2 2.15.1
- c-blosc 1.21.6
- cairo 1.16.0+lgpl
- cfitsio 3.49
- charls 2.4.2
- crc32c 1.1.2
- curl 8.10.1
- dav1d 1.5.0
- eigen 3.4.0
- expat 2.6.3
- flac 1.4.3
- flann 1.9.2
- fltk 1.3.9
- fmtlib 10.2.1
- freeglut 3.6.0
- freetds 1.4.22+lgpl
- freetype 2.13.3
- freexl 2.0.0
- fribidi 1.0.15+lgpl
- gdal 3.9.3
- geos 3.11.4+lgpl
- giflib 5.2.2
- gle 3.1.0
- glew 2.2.0
- glfw 3.4
- glm 1.0.1
- harfbuzz 8.5.0
- hdf4
- hdf5
- icu4c 76.1
- imath 3.1.12
- jasper 4.2.4
- json-c 0.17
- jxrlib 1.2
- lerc 4.0.4
- libaec 1.1.3
- libarchive 3.7.7
- libavif 1.1.1
- libczi main+lgpl
- libde265 1.0.15+lgpl
- libdeflate 1.22
- libevent 2.1.12
- libgeotiff 1.7.3
- libgit2 1.8.4
- libjpeg-turbo 3.0.4
- libjxl 0.11.0
- libjxs 2.0.2
- libkml 1.3.0
- liblzf 3.6
- libmikmod
- libmodplug master
- libpng 1.6.44
- libraqm 0.10.1
- LibRaw 0.21.3+lgpl
- libsndfile 1.2.2+lgpl
- libsodium 1.0.20
- libspatialite 5.1.0
- libssh2 1.11.1
- libtiff 4.7.0
- libultrahdr 1.2.0
- libwebp 1.4.0
- libxml2 2.12.9
- libxslt 1.1.42
- libyaml 0.2.5
- libyuv main
- libzmq 4.3.5
- littlecms 2.16
- llvm 14.0.6
- lz4 1.10.0
- lzfse 1.0
- lzham master
- lzma 5.6.3
- lzokay master
- minizip-ng 4.0.7
- mmtf-cpp 1.1.0
- mozjpeg 4.1.5
- msgpack-c 6.0.2
- netcdf-c 4.9.2
- nghttp2 1.63.0
- ogg 1.3.5
- oneTBB 2021.13.0
- openblas 0.3.28
- opencl-icd-loader 2024.05.08
- OpenColorIO 2.3.2
- opencv-python
- opencv 4.10.0
- openexr 3.3.1
- OpenImageIO v2.5.17.0
- openjpeg 2.5.2
- OpenJPH 0.17.0
- openldap 2.4.59
- openssl 3.0.15
- OpenVDB 10.0.1
- OpenVR 1.0.17
- opus 1.5.2
- opusfile 0.12
- pcodec 0.3.1
- pcre2 10.44
- pdcurses 3.9
- pixman 0.42.2+lgpl
- portaudio 19.7
- portmidi 2.0.2
- postgresql 15.8
- proj 9.5.0
- protobuf 4.21.12
- ptex 2.4.3
- pugixml 1.14
- pystring 1.14
- rapidjson master
- rav1e 0.7.1
- rdkit 22.9.5
- re2 2024.07.02
- robin-map 1.3.0
- rtmidi 6.0.0
- sdl 2.30.9
- sdl_image 2.8.2
- sdl_mixer 2.8.0
- sdl_ttf 2.22.0
- shapelib 1.6.1
- sheenbidi 2.7
- snappy 1.2.1
- spatialindex 2.0.0
- sperr 0.8.2
- sqlite 3.46.1
- SVT-AV1 2.3.0
- sz3 3.1.8
- sz
- ta-lib 0.4.0
- thrift 0.19.0
- treelite 4.2.1
- udunits 2.2.28
- uriparser 0.9.8
- uthash 2.3.0
- vorbis 1.3.7
- vtk-m 1.9.0
- WavPack 5.7.0
- win-iconv master
- winpty master
- xgboost 2.1.2
- yaml-cpp 0.7.0
- zfp 1.0.1
- zlib-ng 2.2.2
- zlib 1.3.1
- zopfli 1.0.3
- zstd 1.5.6
- Windows Dev Kit 2023
- Visual Studio 2022 Community 17.11
- Python 3.12.7 (ARM64)
- LLVM 19.1.1-woa64
- Rust 1.81
- Arm Performance Libraries 24.04
- OpenJDK 21.0.5 LTS
- Strawberry Perl
- MSYS2 20221028
- Git 2.45.1
- CMake 3.30.2
- DirectX SDK 9.0c