This is Advance Computer Architecture project of implementing Piplined Proccesor according to the 32bit RISC-V Instruction set. There containing all type of instructions.
- Register Read Flag
- Register write Flag
- Memory to register Flag
- Memory write Flag
- Branch Flag
- ALU opcode
- Register destination Flag
- ALU source Flag
ALUOP[4:0] | RESULT[31:0] | BRANCH |
00000 | RES_ADD | 0 |
00001 | RES_SLL | 0 |
00010 | RES_SLT | 0 |
00011 | RES_SLTU | 0 |
00100 | RES_XOR | 0 |
00101 | RES_SRL | 0 |
00110 | RES_OR | 0 |
00111 | RES_AND | 0 |
01000 | 0 | BR_BEQ |
01001 | 0 | BR_BNE |
01010 | 0 | 0 |
01011 | 0 | 0 |
01100 | 0 | RES_BLT |
01101 | 0 | RES_BGE |
01110 | 0 | RES_BLTU |
01111 | 0 | RES_BGEU |
10000 | RES_SUB | 0 |
10001 | RES_FWD | 1 |
10010 | 0 | 0 |
10011 | 0 | 0 |
10100 | 0 | 0 |
10101 | 0 | 0 |
10110 | 0 | 0 |
10111 | 0 | 0 |
11000 | RES_MUL | 0 |
11001 | RES_MULH | 0 |
11010 | RES_MULHSU | 0 |
11011 | RES_MULHU | 0 |
11100 | RES_DIV | 0 |
11101 | RES_REM | 0 |
11110 | RES_FWD | 0 |
11111 | RES_REMU | 0 |
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- Department of Computer Engineering
- University of Peradeniya