For shrinking your website header, not your actual head!
Nice and easy, just include this in your <head> or just before </body>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="jquery.headshrinker.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="headshrinker.css" media="screen" />
Then call the function…
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
target: jQuery(this), // set target
zindex: 99999, // set CSS z-index
shrinkBy: 2, // shrink by this multiple
fontSize: "", // add font size in here
shrinkMenu: false, // convert menu to hamburger in all instances
revealAlign: "right", // left or right hamburger menu
revealTop: "12px", // adjust top positioning of hamburger menu
shrinkMenuTop: "69px", // adjust top positioning of the flyout menu
menuSwitch: 768, // aimed at the mobile experience, when menu is this width, convert to hamburger
navTarget: 'nav', // this is the element WITHIN the cloned headshrinker bar
mobileMenu: false // set to true if you want to remove the desktop menu and replace with headshrinker when in mobile view (menuSwitch)