CDAP 5.1.1
Google Cloud Spanner sink will create database and table if they do not exist. (CDAP-14490)
Added a Dataset Project config property to the Google BigQuery source to allow reading from a dataset in another project. (CDAP-14542)
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue that caused avro, parquet, and orc classes across file, Google Cloud Storage, and S3 plugins to clash and cause pipeline failures. (CDAP-12229)
Fixed a bug where plugins that register other plugins would not use the correct id when using the PluginSelector API. (CDAP-14511)
Fixed a bug where upgraded CDAP instances were not able to load artifacts. (CDAP-14515)
Fixed an issue where configuration of sink was overwritten by source. (CDAP-14524)
Fixed a packaging bug in kafka-plugins that prevented the plugins from being visible. (CDAP-14538)
Fixed a bug where plugins created by other plugins would not have their macros evaluated. (CDAP-14549)
Removed LZO as a compression option for snapshot and time partitioned fileset sinks since the codec cannot be packaged with the plugin. (CDAP-14560)