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陳鍾誠 edited this page Mar 17, 2018
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教學 | 主題 | 影片 |
Chapter 10. Compiler I: Syntax Analysis | ||
範例 | 剖析數學運算式 (JavaScript) | |
範例 | 產生數學運算式 (C) | |
範例 | 數學運算式編譯器 (C) | |
影片 | gcc 編譯器工具鏈的用法 | 影片 |
if (x < 153) {let city = ”Paris”;}
轉為 XML
<keyword> if </keyword>
<symbol> ( </symbol>
<identifier> x </identifier>
<symbol> < </symbol>
<integerConstant> 153 </integerConstant>
<symbol> ) </symbol>
<symbol> { </symbol>
<keyword> let </keyword>
<identifier> city </identifier>
<symbol> = </symbol>
<stringConstant> Paris </stringConstant>
<symbol> ; </symbol>
<symbol> } </symbol>
class ClassName
field variable declarations;
static variable declarations;
constructor type { parameterList ) {
local variable declarations;
method type { parameterList ) {
local variable declarations;
function type { parameterList ) {
local variable declarations;
program: statement;
statement: whileStatement
| ifStatement
| // other statement possibilities ...
| '{' statementSequence '}'
whileStatement: 'while' '(' expression ')' statement
ifStatement: simpleIf
| ifElse
simpleIf: 'if' '(' expression ')' statement
ifElse: 'if' '(' expression ')' statement
'else' statement
statementSequence: '' // null, i.e. the empty sequence
| statement ';' statementSequence
expression: // definition of an expression comes here
// more definitions follow
- The Jack language is intentionally simple:
- Statement prefixes: let, do, ...
- No operator priority
- No error checking
- Basic data types, etc.
; BNF definitions for the Jack2 language
; kittekat jan/2017
; additions to Jack from http://nand2tetris.org/:
; named constants
; character constants
; break
; my xBNF syntax:
; 'xxxx' terminal value, text enclosed in quotes will appear
; xxxx non-terminal value, will be replaced by other constructs
; x y concatenation, sequence of constructs
; x | y either x or y can appear
; x? x appears 0 or 1 times
; x* x appears 0 or more times
; ( ) parentheses are used for grouping of constructs
; %xab shorthand for hex representation of character, e.g.: %x61 for 'a'
; %xab-cd value range, e.g.: %x30-33 for '0' | '1' | '2' | '3'
; Syntax for the Tokenizer
token = whitespace | integerConstant | stringConstant | keyword |
keywordConstant | symbol | identifier
symbol = '{' | '}' | '(' | ')' | '[' | ']' | '.' | ',' | ';' | '+' |
'-' | '*' | '/' | '&' | '|' | '<' | '>' | '=' | '~' | quote
keyword = 'class' | 'constructor' | 'function' | 'method' | 'static ' |
'field' | 'void' | 'int' | 'char' | 'boolean' | 'let' |
'do' | 'if' | ‘else’ | 'while' | 'return' | 'break' | 'const'
keywordConstant = 'true' | 'false' |'null' | 'this'
; Syntax for the Parser
class = 'class' className '{' (classVarDec | constDec)*
subroutineDec* '}'
classVarDec = ( 'static' | 'field' ) type varName ( ',' varName )* ';'
type = 'int' | 'char' | 'boolean' | className
subroutineDec = ( 'constructor' | 'function' | 'method' )
( 'void' | type ) subroutineName '(' parameterList ')'
parameterList = (( type varName ) ( ',' type varName )* )?
subroutineBody = '{' (varDec | constDec)* statements '}'
varDecl = 'var' type varName ( ',' varName )* ';'
constDec = 'const' '=' constValue ';'
constValue = constName '=' (('-'* integerConstant) | charConstant) ';'
className = identifier
subroutineName = identifier
varName = identifier
constName = identifier
statements = statement*
statement = letStatement | ifStatement | whileStatement |
doStatement | returnStatement
letStatement = 'let' varName ( '[' expression ']')? = expression ';'
ifStatement = 'if' '(' expression ')' '{' statements '}'
( 'else' '{' statements '}' )?
whileStatement = 'while' '(' expression ')' '{' whileBody '}'
whileBody = statements ('break' statements)*
doStatement = 'do' subroutineCall ';'
returnStatement = 'return' expression? ';'
expression = term (op term)*
term = integerConstant | stringConstant | keywordConstant |
charConstant | varName ( ‘[’ expression ']' )? |
subroutineCall | '(' expression ')' | unaryOp term
subroutineCall = subroutineName '(' expressionList ')' | ( className |
varName ) '.' subroutineName '(' expressionList ')'
expressionList = ( expression ( ',' expression )* )?
op = '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '&' | '|' | '<' | '>' | '='
unaryOp = '-' | '~'
keywordConstant = 'true' | 'false' | 'null' | 'this'
integerConstant = digit (digit)* ; in the range -32767..32767
stringConstant = '"' ( stringCharacter )* '"'
charConstant = quote printable quote
identifier = ( letter | underscore) (letter | digit | underscore)*
letter = %x41-5A | %x61-7A ; A..Z, a..z
digit = %x30-39 ; 0..9
underscore = '_'
stringCharacter = ' ' | '!' | %x23-7E ; #..~ (= all printable except ")
quote = %x27
whiteSpace = ( blank | tab ) ( blank | tab )*
blank = ' '
tab = %x0B
comment = eolComment | longComment
eolComment = '//' printable* newline ; comment till End of Line
longComment = '/*' (printable | newline)* '*/' ; not nestable
printable = %x20-7e
newline = %x0D ; for *nix OS sytems
- 輸入 (Jack 語言) -- https://github.com/cccnqu/sp106b/blob/master/more/nand2tetris/11/Average/Main.jack
- Parser 輸出 (Xml 剖析樹) -- https://github.com/cccnqu/sp106b/blob/master/more/nand2tetris/11/Average/Main.xml
- Compiler 輸出 (虛擬機中間碼) -- https://github.com/cccnqu/sp106b/blob/master/more/nand2tetris/11/Average/Main.vm
class Main {
function void main() {
var Array a;
var int length;
var int i, sum;
let length = Keyboard.readInt("How many numbers? ");
let a = Array.new(length); // constructs the array
let i = 0;
while (i < length) {
let a[i] = Keyboard.readInt("Enter a number: ");
let sum = sum + a[i];
let i = i + 1;
do Output.printString("The average is ");
do Output.printInt(sum / length);
<keyword> class </keyword>
<identifier> Main </identifier>
<symbol> { </symbol>
<keyword> function </keyword>
<keyword> void </keyword>
<identifier> main </identifier>
<symbol> ( </symbol>
<symbol> ) </symbol>
<symbol> { </symbol>
<keyword> var </keyword>
<identifier> Array </identifier>
<identifier> a </identifier>
<symbol> ; </symbol>
<keyword> var </keyword>
<keyword> int </keyword>
<identifier> length </identifier>
<symbol> ; </symbol>
<keyword> var </keyword>
<keyword> int </keyword>
<identifier> i </identifier>
<symbol> , </symbol>
<identifier> sum </identifier>
<symbol> ; </symbol>
<keyword> let </keyword>
<identifier> length </identifier>
<symbol> = </symbol>
<identifier> Keyboard </identifier>
<identifier> Keyboard </identifier>
<symbol> . </symbol>
<identifier> readInt </identifier>
<symbol> ( </symbol>
<stringConstant> How many numbers? </stringConstant>
<symbol> ) </symbol>
<symbol> ; </symbol>
<keyword> let </keyword>
<identifier> a </identifier>
<symbol> = </symbol>
<identifier> Array </identifier>
<identifier> Array </identifier>
<symbol> . </symbol>
<identifier> new </identifier>
<symbol> ( </symbol>
<identifier> length </identifier>
<symbol> ) </symbol>
<symbol> ; </symbol>
<keyword> let </keyword>
<identifier> i </identifier>
<symbol> = </symbol>
<integerConstant> 0 </integerConstant>
<symbol> ; </symbol>
<keyword> while </keyword>
<symbol> ( </symbol>
<identifier> i </identifier>
<symbol> < </symbol>
<identifier> length </identifier>
<symbol> ) </symbol>
<symbol> { </symbol>
<keyword> let </keyword>
<identifier> a </identifier>
<symbol> [ </symbol>
<identifier> i </identifier>
<symbol> ] </symbol>
<symbol> = </symbol>
<identifier> Keyboard </identifier>
<identifier> Keyboard </identifier>
<symbol> . </symbol>
<identifier> readInt </identifier>
<symbol> ( </symbol>
<stringConstant> Enter a number: </stringConstant>
<symbol> ) </symbol>
<symbol> ; </symbol>
<keyword> let </keyword>
<identifier> sum </identifier>
<symbol> = </symbol>
<identifier> sum </identifier>
<symbol> + </symbol>
<identifier> a </identifier>
<symbol> [ </symbol>
<identifier> i </identifier>
<symbol> ] </symbol>
<symbol> ; </symbol>
<keyword> let </keyword>
<identifier> i </identifier>
<symbol> = </symbol>
<identifier> i </identifier>
<symbol> + </symbol>
<integerConstant> 1 </integerConstant>
<symbol> ; </symbol>
<symbol> } </symbol>
<keyword> do </keyword>
<identifier> Output </identifier>
<symbol> . </symbol>
<identifier> printString </identifier>
<symbol> ( </symbol>
<stringConstant> The average is </stringConstant>
<symbol> ) </symbol>
<symbol> ; </symbol>
<keyword> do </keyword>
<identifier> Output </identifier>
<symbol> . </symbol>
<identifier> printInt </identifier>
<symbol> ( </symbol>
<identifier> sum </identifier>
<symbol> / </symbol>
<identifier> length </identifier>
<symbol> ) </symbol>
<symbol> ; </symbol>
<keyword> return </keyword>
<symbol> ; </symbol>
<symbol> } </symbol>
function Main.main 4
push constant 18
call String.new 1
push constant 72
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 111
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 119
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 32
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 109
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 97
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 110
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 121
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 32
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 110
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 117
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 109
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 98
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 101
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 114
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 115
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 63
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 32
call String.appendChar 2
call Keyboard.readInt 1
pop local 1
push local 1
call Array.new 1
pop local 0
push constant 0
pop local 2
label label1
push local 2
push local 1
if-goto label2
push local 0
push local 2
push constant 16
call String.new 1
push constant 69
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 110
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 116
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 101
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 114
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 32
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 97
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 32
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 110
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 117
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 109
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 98
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 101
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 114
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 58
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 32
call String.appendChar 2
call Keyboard.readInt 1
pop temp 1
pop pointer 1
push temp 1
pop that 0
push local 3
push local 0
push local 2
pop pointer 1
push that 0
pop local 3
push local 2
push constant 1
pop local 2
goto label1
label label2
push constant 15
call String.new 1
push constant 84
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 104
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 101
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 32
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 97
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 118
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 101
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 114
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 97
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 103
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 101
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 32
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 105
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 115
call String.appendChar 2
push constant 32
call String.appendChar 2
call Output.printString 1
pop temp 0
push local 3
push local 1
call Math.divide 2
call Output.printInt 1
pop temp 0
push constant 0