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Project YOMI (Working Title)

Build codecov


An online multiplayer, synchronous turn-based fighting game for iOS and Web with colorful visuals, uniquely stylized characters, and social features such as player profiles, leaderboards, and character customization.



This project is being built on the Unity Engine, with Unity Netcode for GameObjects for the networking programming, and Unity Gaming Services handling the network services. Blender and Adobe Illustrator will be used for assets, with placeholders pulled from Mixamo until production assets are finalized.


Branch naming

<work item ID>-<title>

Code style

Following C# Coding Conventions


General assets are grouped by asset type, while context-specific assets are grouped by context.

├── Art  // For general art assets
|   ├── Materials
|   ├── Models
|   ├── Music
|   └── Sound
├── External
├── Levels  // Anything related to game design
|   ├── Characters
|   |   ├── Character1  // Assets grouped by context
|   |   |   ├── Sound
|   |   |   ├── Prefab
|   |   |   ├── Animation
|   |   |   └── Data
|   |   └── ...
|   ├── Moves
|   ├── Prefabs
|   └── Scenes
├── Plugins
├── Resources  // To be used sparingly
├── Scripts  // Scripts grouped by context
|   ├── CharcterSelect
|   ├── Core
|   |   ├── Data
|   |   ├── Installers
|   |   └── Networking
|   ├── Gameplay
|   └── MainMenu
└── Tests

Quality Policy

All merges to the main branch shall pass automated build testing and unit testing, and shall not decrease total code coverage by greater than 5%.