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CatCat ChatBot hot wallets


# Stellar
brew install python@2
brew install pyenv
pyenv install 2.7.14
pyenv local 2.7.14

Alpha version : Basic wallet CRUD

v0.1.0 : Init wallet

  • Server on DigitalOcean.
  • It should say greeting.
  • It should provide term and condition.
  • It should check user state (NEW, LINKED, ACTIVATED).
  • It should ask user to create XLM wallet for NEW user.
    BOT : Hi, Let's link Stellar wallet to your account
        : [Link]
  • It should create blank XLM wallet on local side via web view.
  • It should return wallet public key/secret after generated.
  • It should let user enter PIN for encryption.
  • It should encrypt with PIN when do form submit.
  • It should encrypt with master key and save to database.
  • It should describe how to get wallet information.
    BOT : Your Messenger has been link with Stellar, wanna see your wallet?
        : [wallet (=)]
  • It should check current state of wallet (not activate/activated).
    BOT : It seem like you didn't activate Stellar's account yet
        : Please send at least 1 lumen (XLM) to this account.
        : [show me how (?)]
  • It should describe how to activate the wallet when need.
  • It should show wallet information.
    BOT : You've : 1 XLM = $0.34
  psid: {
    xlm: encrypted(G123, master_key)

v0.2.0 : Send/Request lumen

  • It should describe to Alice how to send and request XLM
  • It should ask Alice to send XLM to Bob
  • It should generated send link for Alice and share to Bob.
  • It should able to handle send link from Bob.
  • It should describe Bob how to accept XLM

v0.3.0 : Notifications

  • It should notify when wallet amount change (interval 1 minute).


  • Correct failed case.


  • TBD


  • It should able to ICO without KYC


  • It should able to ICO with KYC


  • It should able to connect with somehow

Security check list

  • 2 Factor DNS, Server
  • SSH only, Strict permissions, UFW
  • A Grade SSL, Header
  • Use Docker secret
  • CORS, Helmet
  • Encrypted server with master key
  • Encrypted local with user pin
  • Authen MongoDB
  • Integrity check with other DB
  • Use oauth for multi-factor authen

Scalability check list