Catalyz is a service that matches people with similar challenges and circumstances
The backend JSON API has the following endpoints:
- Represents a user resourcePOST /
- Creates a new user
- Input:
- facebook_id :: string
- first_name :; string
- last_name :: string
- email :: string
- image_link :: string
- language :: string
- country_of_origin :: string
- gender :: string
- bio :: string
- interest :: string
- role :: string{mentor, mentee}
- Output
- If successfully created, {status 200}
- If failure, {status 400}
GET /<facebook_id:string>
- Obtains information about a user
- Output
- If user exists, {status 200}
- facebook_id :: string
- first_name :: string
- last_name :: string
- email :: string
- image_link :: string
- language :: string
- country_of_origin :: string
- gender :: string
- bio :: string
- interest :: string
- role :: string{mentor, mentee}
- If user doesn't exist, {status 400}
- If user exists, {status 200}
- Represents a call to find the best possible match between mentor and menteePOST /
- Matches a mentee to a mentor
- Input
- facebook_id :: string{facebook_id}
- Output
- recommendations :: [{mentor, mentor_bio, mentee, mentee_bio, similarity_score}]
- Represents a conversation instance between a mentor and menteePOST /
- Gets a specific conversation's stream of messages in chronological order
- Input
- mentor :: string{facebook_id}
- mentee :: string{facebook_id}
- Output:
- mentor :: string
- mentee :: string
- timestamp :: string
- messages :: {sent_by :: string{facebook_id}, message :: string, timestamp :: string}
- Represents a history of conversations a user has hadPOST /
- Gets a list of all conversations a user has had
- Input
- facebook_id :: string{facebook_id}
- Output[]:
- mentor :: string
- mentor_bio :: string
- mentee :: string
- mentee_bio :: string
- timestamp :: string
- Represents an atomic message within a conversationPOST /
- Creates a new message
- Input:
- mentor :: string{facebook_id}
- mentee :: string{facebook_id}
- sent_by :: string{facebook_id}
- message :: string
- timestamp :: string
- user (primary key: facebook_id)
- facebook_id :: string
- first_name :: string
- last_name :: string
- email :: string
- image_link :: string
- language :: string
- country_of_origin :: string
- gender :: string
- bio :: string
- interest :: string
- role :: string{mentor, mentee}
- conversation (primary key: id)
- id :: int
- mentor :: user.facebook_id
- mentee :: user.facebook_id
- timestamp :: timestamp(with time zone)
- message (primary key: conversation_id, sent_by, timestamp)
- conversation_id ::
- sent_by :: user.facebook_id
- message :: string
- timestamp :: timestamp(with time zone)