File Locations
Setting up Wordpress Locally
Posting Interviews!
Art-Directed / Custom Content
Images in Custom Content
All our files are stored on Github. You're looking at it!
Please send me your username and I'll add you as admin so you can push changes back up.
The files you'll be interested in are located here: /wp/wp-content/themes/roots /wp is the Wordpress folder /wp-content is where plugins and themes go /themes/roots is where our bootstrap theme 'roots' is located
Inside here you'll see all the Wordpress theme files that get everything up and running, but if you're doing art-directed content you'll be interested in the folders /customer-content
, /custom-css
, /custom-js
This is the place where per post custom content is read from when you're in WP. More about this below
There are 2 ways of working with the site: using your own local install of Wordpress and uploading or using an HTML editing program like Dreamweaver that allows you to edit files online so you don't have to keep uploading them. If you'd like more info on the latter, please let me know!
Because W&&T runs on Wordpress online it's nice to setup your own local Wordpress environment so you can simulate the way things work online and run your custom content without uploading it.
To setup Wordpress you first need an Apache server to run the php files that power WP and a mySQL server to read from the database. To do this:
Download MAMP on OSX, but there's also WAMP for Windows.
Clone the Git repository to the htdocs location of MAMP or XAMP. In MAMP that's in
I'm not to sure how WAMP handles things so please look it up Windows folks. -
Run MAMP and start the servers (this may happen automatically). A new window should open up in your browser with the URL
The page that opens MAMP's homepage and will allow you to see settings, etc. Most importantly for us though it allows us to open phpMyAdmin which is the way you can see your local mySQL database.
Click under MySQL, click phpMyAdmin
Click the databases tab and create a new one called
You'll see a message saying it has been created and it will appear in the list of databases on the left hand side. -
in the panel on the left
Next we have to import our development database.
Go to the tab 'import'
Click Choose file and navigate to
choose the file
and click Go.
When the file has been imported you'll see all the database tables on the left.
If you've changed the settings of your MAMP/WAMP install and the URL for your server is different than http://localhost:8888
or you've put the repository somewhere different than \WomenAndTech
, then you'll have to dig into the Wordpress database to reflect that.
Find the wp_options
table in the women_and_tech database you just imported.
Click browse
Find the siteurl
(option_id 1), and edit the option_value
field to read the exact URL where Wordpress can be reached. It's currently set to http://localhost:8888/WomenAndTech/wp
Go to the next page of this table and do the same for the home
(option_id 37)
You must create your own .htaccess
Go to /wp and find sample.htaccess
Copy it, and then rename it .htaccess
If you've changed the settings of your MAMP/WAMP install edit this new .htaccess file to reflect that. You may need to change the parameters in REWRITEBASE
or the WP_PATH
With MAMP running, you can now go to http://localhost:8888/WomenAndTech/wp/login
in your browser and see the Wordpress install.
Login to Wordpress using the admin
username and password (it's our usual one or ask someone), and you're set to go!
Somethings may look broken or act strange. That's ok! You have imported a development database that has pointers to files you don't have or need to import.
Don't worry :) The purpose of this is to get you working with your own custom content so you shouldn't really worry about other sections of the site. Things will not look perfect. You may have to upload feature/teaser images, or assign custom content to pages or interviews. The most important part is that the thing you are working on looks good and works.
When creating a post or interview consider using the following:
If you want a custom image to show up in the Archives/Past Interviews section, add a 'featured image' to your post or interview. You do this when creating the post itself. On the righthand side there should a Featured Image section with an option to set a featured image. Upload one or choose it from the media library, change its title and description attributes for SEO/screen reader purposes, and click Set As Featured Image. Then save the details you've just entered.
Featured images are 380px x 260px
If you want a link to your post/interview or just the featured image of a coming soon post/interview to show up in the Archives/Past Interviews section, you must give it a publish date and 'Publish' it. "Coming Soon" interviews will also show up in the site footer with the 'teaser image' (see posting interviews below)
Posts in the archives are ordered by publish date.
If you don't want your post to show up yet, save it as draft
The Archives/Past Intrviews section shows a list of past and upcoming posts and can optionally display an excerpt or message about that content. To add this to the list, you'll find an "Archive Excerpt" WSYWIG editor in the post/interview.
The maximum number of characters for this section is about ~250. Longer excerpts will either break or be hidden from the page
Double check that this select box at the bottom of the post is set to the correct author. It will default to you but you may be adding content for another contributor.
These currently aren't used for the front or backend. Feel free to add them or not.
Posting interviews requires 1 additional asset vs. regular posts, the 'teaser image.' This image shows up in the footer of the site. As mentioned above, a teaser image for a 'coming soon' interview (i.e. published, but with a future date) will show up in the 'Next Up' section of the footer. The Past Interviews footer section will show the closest interview to the post that you're currently viewing.
Teaser Images need to be 360px x 188px
The site has a few pages: Past Interviews, The Plan, and Supporters. These are in the Pages section of Wordpress and most have custom content and CSS to get them to look good.
The Nav menu can be adjusted in the Appearance section of Wordpress. Just drag and drop nav items until it looks good
As mentioned above, you can overwrite an interview, post, or page with your own custom HTML, append a custom stylesheet or javascript file to it. Stylesheets and JS files inherit from what's already on the page (themes/roots/assets/css/base.css
for the base styles / jQuery and Bootstrap Javascript files that come with the theme)
To work with your own custom content (HTML) or update existing custom content first create or find the Interview/Post/Page that uses it in the Wordpress interface. Here, below the regular WYSIWYG editor you'll see 3 drop downs to select custom files to be used. Those options are listings of the files found in /custom-content
, /custom-css
, /custom-js
in the roots theme folder.
These files must be .php, .css. and .js files. PHP extension files contant HTML, but can also contain PHP if you want something fancy or to use Wordpress' built in functions (see past-interviews.php
So to recap: interviews, posts, and pages can be overwritten with custom HTML stored in .php files located in the /custom-content
IMPORTANT: You'll need to put 'something' in the WYSIWYG content are on pages where you're using custom content. This content will show up in RSS feeds and are used in to search posts. For this reason, I recommend that 'something' be the actual HTML or interview document you're working from. When you're done, in the production environment of the post, just paste this into the WYSIWYG editor.
You can append a custom CSS file by added a .css file to the /custom-css
folder and selecting it from the dropdown that appears in the Edit Post page.
You can add a Javascript file that gets called at the bottom of the interview, post, or page by adding a .js file to the /custom-js
Note: Any files you change/add on your local Wordpress need to be pushed back up to the Git Repo. These files will not be on the live web but will allow the webmaster to put the most current content online. When you're done with your custom content, email the webmaster or FTP it yourself.
On the live Wordpress site (http://womenandtech.com/wp/login)
you'll need to hook up the custom content, css, or js you just created/edited with actual interviews, posts, and pages that exist online. Do this in the same way you did in your local environment.
If you're using images in your art direct content (.php files in /custom-content
), add a folder to /assets/img/ to store all your images and reference them like:
<img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/assets/img/YOUR_FOLDER/youfile.png">
You can see an example of this in /custom-content/the-plan.php
If you're using background images in your css, you can reference them like this:
background: url(../img/YOUR_FOLDER/yourfile.png)