Bottius is a simple discord Bot created out of boredom for the Bricc Cult Discord server.
Follow these easy steps to get your Bottius instance working obviously you need to install nodejs and npm first (duh):
clone Bottius Repo
npm ci
in the Bottius root directory -
add a botconfig.json in
directory which should look like this:{ "token": "yourTotallySafeBotToken", "prefix": "!!", "masters": ["275355515003863040", "182896862477549577"], "activity": "", "activityStatus": "" }
compile Bottius with TypeScript
if you dont have TypeScript installed do
npm install -g TypeScript
now just start the bot from Bottius root directory
node out/bot.js
If you want to contribute to Bottius you might encounter that you want to store a thing in the database. In order to do that you must edit an existing type or create a new one, all types belong to source/Material/ Since we use TypeORM you can look up all the things there but here is a quick migration guide:
- edit the type of your choice
- compile
- in Bottius root type
typeorm migration:generate -n NameOfYourMigration
- tsc
And voilà your migration is done! You can find it in source/Migration
If something went wrong after a migration you can use typeorm migration:revert
If something went really wrong follow these steps:
- delete
- delete your migration in
- delete
directory - compile
- run Bottius
And Bottius is like he was before the big migration fuckup